1. I signed up for Noom April 29, 2019 paying $19 a month and cancel anytime. I cannot tell you how much this has changed my life. I'm down 29lbs. Have learned more about why I eat than I have learned for a very long time. The "councelors" are okay as are the Noom groups. What works for me are the daily articles, daily weigh ins and self accountability. You have to buy into the psychology of the program. You dont get your money's worth otherwise. I'm very happy with Noom and will continue with the program thru maintenance phase. I still have quite a bit of weight to lose. Thanks to Noom I will lose it, and keep it off. Best of luck to all of you

  2. I just started getting ads for this company every time I watch a video on Youtube, I kept skipping it and didn't care to try it but because I'm a curious person I decided to take a look at the website. I took the question portion of the site and when it gave me a plan I got to the credit card part and stopped. Then I saw your video, it saddens me when companies decide to screw over customers who are trying said company and want the results that were advertised, then when they know you're having a difficult time with their services and you want a refund, you have to go thru a circus just to get your money back and you feel used and helpless because no one is trying to help. I see this is an older video, and I hope you got all of your money back. Sorry for your experience, and thank you for the fair warning. God Bless.

  3. Noom has taught me a lot of valuable skills. And has definitely helped me loose weight in a supportive environment. These reviews are all subjective. If you would like to loose weight this is a good option. However, it isn't the only option. Choose for yourself.

  4. I found this app and then signed up for a free trial BEFORE seeing this review. I was literally completing day two when I saw this video and immediately canceled my free trial. I have has bad experiences with weight loss apps before and I do not want/need another headache. Thank you for your review!

  5. Thanks so much for the review. I was considering Noom and based on your review, and a few others, it appears that Noom is another calorie counter at best, and a total scam at worst.

  6. They had set up a subscription payment plan with the free trial on my PayPal Account. You've authorized use of your PayPal account for future payments to Noom. Be sure to turn this off as soon as you cancel or they can charge you the $149.00

  7. I signed up for the 2 weeks for a dollar without doing my research. I wasn't very happy with the app and feedback. After watching your video I got scared about trying to cancel my subscription but thankfully when I messaged my "coach" all I had to do was go through a link and it was cancelled. Wouldn't recommend the app but it wasn't as hard to cancel as I was expecting.

  8. You went through way more than I'd have gone through to get a refund. I'd have started out by calling my credit card company and both disputed the charge as well as have them block any future charges from them.

  9. I wonder if you can get a new coach if you don't like the one you have??
    I JUST signed up right before watching this video and have already noticed a few red flags but I will see if it works for me.
    1st red flag – after the website (i signed up on my pc) said $20 signing up fee was waived, completely go through the questionnaire then it asks what do you want to pay for the "trial" I picked $1 out of the 4 options. I thought that was odd considering most "trials" are free. and if they are as good as they say the are they shouldn't need people to pay for the trial because they will have enough that stick with the program. & who in their right mind would pick more than $1? kinda strange.
    2nd red flag was that after i put in my card info and clicked to the next page, it asked me if i wanted to add on a meal plan, exercise plan, meal & exercise plan. each one was about $40-60 extra. I thought that this was included? I guess not really a "plan" but helpful advice at least "coaching".
    3rd red flag – so i log into the app and go through the prompts and one page states that in 2 WEEKS I will be connected with a group coach. that is AFTER the "trial" ends!! how can I get a clear sense of what the app is like without that? also, i thought I get a personal coach not a group coach? at the end of my prompts it says i will get my "goal specialist" in the morning and then meet my support group and group coach in "just under two weeks." (AFTER THE TRIAL IS OVER….. how can i even cancel the trial if I decide to, if I don't have a coach?)

  10. I really appreciate you sharing your experience. I was one-click away from signing up when I saw I would have to contact my “coach” to cancel. I decided to do a quick search to see the difficulty of canceling and your review was the first video. Your review confirmed my concerns, you saved me a huge headache.

  11. thanks for this!
    On a side note: This is why I don't like buying through iTunes. If you just use your credit card on a website or something, you have way more recourse.

  12. OMG THIS EXACT THING HAPPENED TO ME. Thankfully I went through PayPal and after no communication with my "coach" on the 12th day I was able to cut it off instantly on PayPal.

  13. Perhaps the real problem with Noom is their advertising angle. It sounds like you signed up expecting to get some intense personal coaching, but the real focus, and driving force, of the app is their daily lessons (not articles, lessons). As you said, the app dives into the psychological aspect of weight loss and eating habits and I have found that to be really helpful.

    The coaching aspect seems to be more of a support system than anything else. I would also note that the app says you can change your coach as many times as you want until you find one that is a good fit. It sounds like you didn't get a very effective or attentive coach. Mine has been pretty good, even though I don't "use" her much. I also find the support group of other users kind of cheesy and useless, but some of my group seem to really be getting a lot out of it, so I guess we all get what we need in different ways. I will say that my coach does comment on some of the things I've entered during my daily lessons (goals I've set, problems I've identified, etc.), and I do like that. She seems like a real person, but there are a lot of intelligent bots out there these days. Again, though, I don't really care about the coaching part.

    You mentioned that your coach didn't talk about your food tracker, but I'm not sure if that's what they are supposed to be doing. The app itself analyses your diet, congratulating you on getting fruit in your diet or telling you that you should limit your portions of this food or that. It even gives you a daily breakdown how much of your daily calories should come from the red group (bad stuff), yellow group (watch your intake), or green stuff (eat as much as you want).

    I can't speak about their customer support, since I've never had to use it. Poor customer support is a problem for most companies I deal with, unfortunately, and it's disappointing to hear that Noom's isn't any better. As someone who ran competent tech support crews for years, canned replies or missing the point completely is one of my pet peeves.

    The problems you had with billing seem to be an anomaly. My billing was correct, and the friends I've referred haven't had any problems, either. Maybe there was a glitch that got corrected? In any case, it makes sense that you would have to go through Apple to get your refund, since Apple is the company that charged you (isn't that what it says on your credit card statement? That's what it says on mine…). I work at a restaurant that uses Uber Eats, and any time a customer wants a refund we HAVE to send them to Uber, because it wasn't us that charged the card. We don't even have access to the card number. So maybe it was Apple's support that pointed you in the wrong direction, in that case.

    As for the effectiveness of the app, I have been singing its praises since the first week, so much so that several of my friends have signed up. I find the lessons EXTREMELY valuable, and consider the whole thing to be a weight loss/healthy lifestyle learning course, rather than just an app. I lost 10 pounds in the first 6 weeks, and now in week 11 I have lost 15 pounds total. Thanks to the lessons, I don't feel like I'm restricting myself, but rather making healthier and more conscious choices, and I have high hopes that it will have a more long-term effect than anything else I've tried. It feels sustainable, but only time will tell for sure.

    I don't doubt that you had a bad/ineffective experience but, in my limited sampling, it doesn't seem typical. The people in my group seem to be getting a lot out of it, and it also seems to be working for my friends who've signed up. I think that if users change their mindset regarding the coaching and focus more on the lessons, they'd be more satisfied. But, like I said before, everyone has different needs and learns differently, so I don't know.

    Despite the billing problems you had, I think people should check out the free trial to see if the lessons might be effective. Apple DOES do the billing, so it seems like – in typical cases – it should be easy enough to get things refunded, if necessary. Apple has the final word on that, not Noom.

  14. Thank you so much for sharing this information! I was literally just watching the commercial and decided to check for a review. I will not be dealing with Noom now.

  15. Omg! I thought my "coach" was a robot too. In my texts with him, he never responded to any specifics. His replies were just generic statements.

  16. I will agree Noom has not worked on this 14 day trial promotion well. Ideally they should let you create a login ID and use the 14 day trial without needing to enter any credit card info. At the end of the 14 day period they can stop providing any further information until a subscription payment is completed. This makes it easier for both parties.
    Secondly, I agree they are promoting the quality of coach support more than it actually is. This is another area they need to be clear about – the extent of involvement and engagement of the coaches. While I was on the Healthy Weight program i had a coach assigned to me personally who checked in weekly. Although I have communicated at length with this coach I have to admit it the value add from the coach is really not as much as expected (or in this case advertised). They should fix this. Having said that however, I was assigned a group and a group coach. This group was extremely interactive and the group coach was completely engaged. I have to admit I got more from the group and the group coach than anything the personal coach ever gave me.
    In the end I have to say one thing. As with all fitness and health ventures you cannot know the extent of effectiveness untill you have invested the right amount and time and intent. And this will be absolutely unique to every single individual since we all come with varying biases and levels of intent.
    My weight loss story with Noom has been an extremely positive one. And when I am asked what the key to my overwhelming success was I do not think it was Noom. Noom was simply the tool that helped me achieve it at that point in time. This success was purely the result of my intent to lose weight and the honesty of the behavioural changes I made. I was at a point in life when I was most driven to make this change and I stuck to that drive. Noom had some very good inputs in this journey that helped me push myself harder. But I pushed myself with the help of family and friends who supported me daily.

  17. I see yoh don't like noom and thank you for the review…you saved me from signing up….but what or where did you go to get help with weight loss.

  18. Thank you for an honest review. I was a bit leary anyways being that they target "millennial consumers" and I am not that demographic. The "quiz" for the "free" trial is very generic and robotic, and you're correct, it says nothing about signing up via computer versus app. Icing on this cake was landing on the last page of their "quiz" and being told how much their "free" trial period was worth ($18), then being asked how much I'd like to PAY for the "free" trial period ($1-$18). Free should be FREE not, how much do you want to pay for free. As the old adages state: "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is" and "there's no such thing as a free lunch" (how ironic is the latter considering the 'product'?)

    No thanks, NOOM.

  19. If you want the services of a registered dietician, pay for it. If you want the services of a therapist, pay for it. I personally can't afford all that, so I use Noom, which does a great job of helping me understand and address key tenets of weight loss, and is a good value for what it provides. It sounds like folks here are looking for far more than they are willing to pay for this app. It provides, in my view, a level of service commensurate with the cost.

  20. My experience with Noom has been very positive. My individual coach is very helpful in keeping me on track, my group is very active and supportive of one another, and the insights to my psychology around eating have been somewhat of an epiphany for me. They certainly provide a level of service much higher than other apps (Like myfintesspal) that charge less. Yes, the app uses an AI, which is why it costs so much less than hiring an actual nutritionist, but which is useful to send reminders if you get off track. I find that my individual coach is very responsive to check in with me after the AI kicks in. If you are expecting a personal nutritionist, pay for it. I find noom to be a good value to help focus on success … Group support, individual coaching, and insight into the psychology of eating so I understand the challenge I face and how to overcome it.

  21. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR A FREE TRIAL OF NOOM THEY WILL CHARGE YOU ALMOST $200 IF YOU DO NOT CANCEL BEFORE THE WEEK IS OVER!!!!! I am a poor person and they tricked me into this fee (which I did not even realize the "trial" would not expire after the week) because they required a $1 donation to "offset fees," a lie! They wanted my financial information so they could charge me nearly $200!!! I hardly even have $200!!! Will take down this message as long as my fees are refunded immediately! Maybe!!! People need to know. This is shameful, Noom. Get an honest business model.

  22. Thank you for this video. I just downloaded the app and immediately deleted it LOL. I can’t thank you enough. By the way I’ve bought many things on iTunes and the way you can tell if it’s been canceled is it will say expires on such and such a date. If it’s going to be continued it will give you the renewal date instead

  23. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did the "test" and was going to sign up and the price of $129/month scared me hahahaha. So I came looking for reviews to support my argument about signing up with the hubs. I will start back up with WW since it worked for me. I fell off the wagon and saw commercials for NOOM. THANK YOU and I hope you everything works out for you.

  24. I have had an amazing experience with Noom. I 100% don't blame you for wanting to cancel your account with them based on your experience, BUT because you didn't follow the program for very long I just thought it would be helpful to some people to vouch for Noom's effectiveness in losing weight and changing health habits. I have lost 35 lbs since I started their program 4 months ago and I feel fantastic! I took a break from Noom for a week or so and discovered that I indeed have formed new healthy habits that I was able to carry on even while I wasn't using the app at all. Bottom line: I think if people stick with the program it really works… But it sounds like if you want to cancel the program they have terrible customer service – which is a shame because it's a really, REALLY good program and the fact that they have poor customer service is going to discourage people from trying it. I also have had the same experience with my goal coach. She was kind of robotic and not super reliable or helpful – but the ARTICLES they give you are revolutionary and very effective if you really embrace them. The psychology of making good health choices is so simple and yet so elusive – I am glad the Noom creators got together to spell things out for us in a way that makes it easy to understand and apply. I highly recommend Noom even despite all it's flaws because the bottom line is – IT TOTALLY WORKS.

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