1. What a difference four years can make! I remember doing this one when it came out and I did not like it. But this may have gotten to realize that slower movements can actually be more beneficial for your body. So I tried it again today and I felt it and I loved it! Hooray for forward movement toward a better self💖

  2. I really recommend this pilates workout with elastic! Jessica is professional and pleasant to follow (unlike so many other "over the top" elastic workouts on youtube!) Keep your natural style Jessica …. and thank you!

  3. This is one of the best home videos ever! Thank you for the detailed but patient instruction. I have been doing it for a few months and even as my fitness level increases, this is probably still my fave video.

  4. Looks easy, but I was sweating till I got done. This was exactly what I was looking for. I can't do the jumping around anymore, this was great. And I loved the 🐕 big dog ❤️ here

  5. Day 19 of #FourweekFusionFebruary and this routine was a great start to my day. I always enjoy it, find it a sneaky challenge and feel my abs the next day. I am so pleased that this is on the February rotation as I just don’t get to do this fabulous routine enough. I really enjoy using my resistance band and need to use it more.

  6. Wow Jessica what an excellent session! I am a Pilates teacher in the U.K. and there are so many good features in your workout. Your form is perfect and your teaching "cues" really add to your demonstrations. 👏 Just a thought though…if you could call the exercises by their name as you change them it would make it easier to link them to the list you give for the session. Many thanks!!

  7. Another fabulous workout, Jessica! I've done this one before, but it's been a long time. As the workout progressed, I remembered doing some of the moves before, such as the one on all fours where we push the leg back behind us, and a few others. I can tell I've gotten much stronger since then. Thanks for such an amazing selection of workout options!

  8. I have done many of your workouts. I just decided to look for a Pilates workout because I am having back pain. I loved this, can you do more pilates workouts?

  9. Hey jessica! Love your videos 🙂 Do you think you can make a ballet inspired resistance band training video?? thank you so much youre amazing

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