1. Hello I have under gone antirior labrum repair surgery during that subcrominal dicompression synovectomy capusectomy and bicep tendon slap tear repair was done. my rotator cuff was ok .when I do sideways movement of my shoulder I hear cracking sound.also my shoulder slides in by making cracking noise I do not feel the pain what might be the reason it is happening

  2. I've always been told to make sure my knees do not go beyond my toes in any exercise, ie: cycling, squatting, leg press, etc. I notice that the angle in which he's leaning in, forces his knees over his toes as he lowers himself into the squat position. Is this OK for his knees?

  3. As you move farther from the wall to increase tension on/resistance from the bands, you create a disparity between the direction of the squat and the angle of resistance, which should be identical. Better to have a system with floor connections, or to merely stand on the bands.

  4. Thanks for this one. Seems like a near lifetime exercise. Trying to move away from heavy gym use so that I have workout habits I will hopefully feel motivated to do in older age.

  5. Hey Bob & Brad !
    This has nothing to do with the video but if you ever see this comment , please enlighten me !

    I've been to so many physiotherapists that I don't know what to believe anymore. I have a clicking noise in my right elbow when I internally rotate my arm ( especially feel it when I do pull ups ) I believe it's right where the long head of the biceps connect to the elbow. I don't feel any pain , just discomfort , like something is moving Everytime I get to my last reps… I had it only on my right arm but now it's happening to my left arm aswell.. like I said , no pain just a very weird feeling !

  6. People want to see Bob and Brad also do the exercises everybody watching your channel is not in their 20s and 30s I imagine your demographic is quite a bit older just my two cents get in there guys day again and do the workouts

  7. I just do heavy barbell squats but I travel a lot and something like this could be a great option. Pretty sure the squat form could be different to make it more effective (I’m no expert though).

    Slower, deeper, head tilt should be down more for a neutral spine, body angle could be more horizontal to engage more of the posterior chain to name just a few.

    Hadn’t thought about using bands to do some kind of squats when i don’t have a barbell though so thanks!

  8. Recently started working out at the gym… all these years I’ve been lifting with a rounded back… I never learned how to squat or hip hinge. Better late than never. I wasn’t athletic as a child so I never learned proper movement patterns for running or jumping either. My goal is to enter my forties stronger than I did entering my 20’s.

  9. This is so great. Recently I haven’t been able to do squats with weights due to some sharp knee pain I’ve been having, and I love body weight training. Thank you guys !

  10. 1:50 the way Brad says squats! 💪
    Thanks for teaching the youth how to stay healthy, fit, and pain free. Nice ending lol.
    Alex, where is the link for the Bob and Brad giveaway?! 😜

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