1. I will be taking a power yoga class Wednesday at my gym and I'm watching this to see what I'm going to be getting into the looks like it's a aerobics workout mixed with yoga this is going to be cool.

  2. I did this practice a couple of years ago and hated it 😆 pushed myself to do it again today and loved it! Just goes to show how my practice has developed (through your guidance)! ♥

  3. First time I did this video back in July I thinking soooo negatively about the cardio as though I couldn't do it. Today I wanted something a little more fast pace and my thoughts were much more positive returning to this bc I really wanted it! What a difference mindset makes.

  4. words of thanks are not enough to you ADRIENE which u have changed the 5.68 million subscribers and which is more than u r well deserves like once i faced through depression and ur stress and anxiety yoga have helped me through great way and then i have a back problem and once i followed ur back pain yoga which it has been gone great success and now i followed ur WEIGHT LOSS and POWER YOGA which has great helped me though losing weight and get strength in my body …… U R REALLY QUEENAND GODDESS OF YOGA AND GOD BLESS U ALWAYS INORDER TO BENEFIT TO ALL THE SENTIENT BEINGS …..

  5. this was amazing! its been a while since I've gotten a good sweat from yoga! just a little not please slow down a tad bit next time i almost passed out trying to keep my breath with your instructions lol

  6. i alrready follow ur different typrs of yoga which i began with anxiety and stress and then i did 3 different types weight loss since last 2 years and topday i began with Hard yoga og almost 46 minutes ans once i began i think that i cannot finish more than 20 minutes becow it really sucks to ur whole body with great physical move and i try and try fortunately i am able to finish whole videos … for me there is one and only god of yoga that is ADREINE … the god have sent u from the heaven to the eartth to help millions of people get out of stress, anxiety , depression , love , peace and compassion ans aslo to make ur body into good shape …… thank u so much on behalf of millions of ur fans who folows u n may u long life with good health in order to benefit of all the 7 billions of this orld … god bless u … His Holliness the Dalailama is the love , compassion and peace maker of this world and from yoga u r like the his holliness of yoga …..

  7. 100 days of yoga and still on it.. it's cold here in the Himalayas, and this is the kind of flow I was lookin' for! Almost gave up in the middle but kept going and I am glad I did! Love you Adriene!

  8. Adriene, this was great! Love your style, your smile and your positivity. A great class here! All the best from CT! Much luv on this great yoga journey. Be well!

  9. I absolutely love Adriene. I've been doing her YouTube video's, Yoga with Adriene, for a few years now. I would say she is an idol of mine and is a main reason why I've gotten enough courage to become a Yoga Instructor and go to school in January. If I can become half the teacher she is, I will be pretty happy. She doesn't even know me, but she has helped me progress in Yoga in so many ways. I've shown my kids Yoga, my daughter has been doing yoga with me since she was 3 (she is 7 now) and also my foster kids love it too, it helps with their Anxiety) Adriene is just awesome! So thankful for that! 💜

  10. I've done a lot of yoga classes, both in person and online for years and years, and this one is probably my favourite. I keep coming back to it. Amazing full body work out with cardio, deep stretching with a bit of relaxation mixed in. Awesome Adrienne!!

  11. Traveling out of town. Very rigorous day. Turned the heat to 78. Looked for a power yoga and found this. Just finished and this is what the doctor had prescribed. Thanks for a wonderful hour. I subscribed, gave a thumbs up, and rang the bell. See you at the next class. Thanks for sharing this.

  12. Love the videoo, thank you. But weird thing is that every time I come to tour channel it says I'm not subscribed and I have to subscribe every single day… Hope they get this fixed 🙁

  13. This video was AMAZING and is actually helping after a long recovery with a sprained ankle. And i sweat like crazy!! How many calories does 45 minutes of this burn? Wonder…

  14. Greetings from Melbourne Australia! Blessings to you and your family! Thank you 😊 😇❤️🙏🏻 … just getting my “yoga class” ready for tomorrow… and I just want to say thank you to you again! 🤩😉

  15. Hey Adrienne! Love your videos and monthly yoga practices. I did them all and now I am in the second round of doing them all. I have a request, please do a piwer yoga monthly series, where you teach how to do balancing poses and headstands and handstands, basically a one month practice of the tough yoga poses building up slowly while finding what feels good. Hope this comment reaches you and you do make a one month power program. Love you! I will keep an eye out for this 😘❤️

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