1. Hey girl long time no see, I don't knpw if you remember me from last year I was also on phentermine lost total of 44 lbs and then got pregnant. Long story short I'm back 😁 I gained all those 44 lbs back so I went back to my doctor and they prescribed me phentermine it's been a week I believe lost 3 lbs and it makes a difference the only thing I am noticing I don't feel the effect of the pill, like I am still hungry like a lot and it's harder I don't know if second time is no use or what?

  2. I've been taking phentermine for 7 weeks and I'm down 40 lbs 🙂 I usually eat the exact same thing everyday. 2 eggs for breakfast, chicken or steak for supper….sometimes I cheat with subway 🙂 I need to stop that lol

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