1. Great workout and I'm definitely adding it to this week's conditioning session 🙂 thank you!
    Just wondering, since I've been having shoulder issues from too much pushing movements with no balance in the pulling side, should I add some sort of rowings or traction moves to balance it out?
    Thanks again for your time!

  2. In 1982, a Brazilian, Professor Alvaro Romano, began researching eastern techniques and the movements the primitive man and developed a workout called "Ginastica Natural". The main influence of Ginastica Natural is the ground movements of jiu–jitsu. These ground movements combined with the techniques of stretching, flexibility and breathing of Hatha yoga, natural movements mimicking animals ( frogs, cats, caiman, etc…) and the strength created through using body weight make up Ginastica Natural. This man in this video modified it a bit, but it's still a pretty good workout.

  3. Thank you, Kellen. I love it whenever you make a video outdoor. It makes me feel more connected to my Tao. Plus it is a bonus with you being shirtless 😊

    I love the hand crawl. Each time I do it my coordination is improved bit by bit.

    I definitely have a good sweat after this workout.

  4. My husband an I have found your videos few months ago and we enjoy it so much. We love you teaching style and your approach to exercise and see some major improvement in our well being. So I just want to say: Thank you for the education! Have a great day everyone!

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