1. This workout (and 5 other GCN Real Time Training Sessions) is available now in The Sufferfest app. Connect your devices and train to personalised 4DP power targets, cadence, and heart rate. Check out the details at thesuf.com/SUFGCN and start your 14-day free trial.

  2. Since I don't space for a ZWIFT set-up in my flat I am training in the gym on a stationary bike. Your videos help me a lot to follow through and keep working in the cold periods of the year! Are you planning to do more of those? Would really love that!

  3. This is a very productive training session. Make more 20-30 minute videos please. A video for a recovery day ride would be fun. Another specifically aimed at big climbs would also be great. Cheers to you GCN!

  4. Love these videos. I suggest preparing comments ahead, so you do not become too repetitive. Also, do a mic chech to ensure your breathing does not overwhelm the soundtrack. Thanks!

  5. I'm using this session for training during the month of fasting here in the Middle East. Fasting from 3:30 am to 6: 15 pm for 30 days, no food or water allowed. I used this session 2.5 hours after breaking fast

  6. Thanks for continuing to make these. I used this after a 40 minute easy ride to add some intensity. I have one suggestion; I don't have a cadence sensor and focus a lot on the meter on the bottom left. Could you guys make one line blue and keep the other green? I try to focus my leg timing when they hit the 12 o'clock position, but its easy to lose track with both the same color. Thanks!

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