1. Hey everyone thanks for watching this video and I appreciate all the encouraging comments!! Everything is going very well during my break!! Just FYI for this video: All of this is what I do personally because it works for me and I enjoy doing it. I'm not recommending anything in this video, and it would not be wise for anyone to duplicate what I am doing. This is all part of my job, and I am single with with lots of time and ZERO responsibilities. Doing all this is not feasible for most people.

  2. I made a comment about you moments ago in another video and can’t believe you have taken the initiative to take care of yourself. Proud of you and inspire others bro. One life…

  3. I enjoy these videos as much as the food challenges. It's basically because these videos are about making healthy life changes to counter the food challenges. I truly believe if you stay the course, stay focused, and it sure seems like you are, then you will see the benefits and rewards that come with it. Just remember most positive accomplishments come through the hard work and dedication that you are representing with these videos. Keep it up Randy, so much respect for you! The Cajun Ninja's Dad

  4. 346 down 25 pounds, means you were up over 370!?!?! Damn; even for a year, that can't be healthy. I guess it is what it is. This is clearly a marathon and not a sprint.

  5. Really glad to see you posting these videos. I started following you I guess about 5 years ago and love your videos and your friendly personality. I was starting to get concerned with your weight even though I know you've always had a regimen to get back down. Keep up the great work!

  6. You should track your measurements. Waist, chest, neck, etc. That helps showing progress since your muscles will grow, so technically could stay the same weight, but lose fat, but gain muscle.

  7. Keep it up bro! I fell into a slump on my sexification but I’m back on track again. Thanks for keeping motivated and in turn motivating me.

  8. I wish you gave yourself more time to get in shape. How much more weight do you think you can really lose before the 12 weeks ends? Even if you managed to reach 300lbs (which is most likely unrealistic), that is still not really enough before you start packing it back on again. I would love to see what you can do with 6 months of getting in shape.

  9. These videos inspired me to get healthy. Started at 231lbs, down 6lbs in 2 weeks. Just another 36 lbs to go. I always think back to what you said about the only thing stopping you from losing weight is yourself and its so true

  10. It’s easy to gain weight in your line of business and the easier it is to gain weight the easier it is to gain depression so work hard so you don’t end up in a dark place brother 🙌

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