1. Never get comfortable with what you got, keep on striving in life, know that the more you work for the more you’ll get out of life, you don’t get what you wish for. You get what you work for…

  2. I appreciate you brother in spirit. I appreciate you carefully chosen words. I am not average. I am born on purpose with a purpose! I will push through and I will overcome my trials. I WONT LACK NO MORE

  3. may Allah bless you man , you doing a great job of waking up people to do good and to come out of bad satanic things like drugs and entertainment all this are demon which they love to do when reality is something different , we need to give time to family friends and spread love and positivity ur great man

  4. Im 12 years old and I'm weighing at 208 pounds and i really wanted to loose this weight and prove ppl at my school wrong that i could do something one thing I realized is that i had to be committed and i am ready to do my workouts and i will never listen to any negativity

  5. I won't lie I'm fat that's an fact i hate to accept i started working out because of this i hate myself this helped me a lot i want to get fit to get a better life i want to eat healthy like most of my family members I don't want a BIG body like the rock or like other people i want to live a better life without hating myself my journey started last week so wish me good luck

  6. He said stop telling the world about the hell fire and brimstone message. This is satanic and not from God. You cant just tell the world God loves them without telling them Acts 2:38 Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ….. then be obesient.
    This is a prosperity gospel ( false doctrine ) will not save your soul and does not speak of atoning for your sins. These kinds of ministers are ministers of satan, a wolf in sheeps clothing.

  7. I listen to stuff like this all the time but I’ve never listened to a message over and over like I’ve listened to this one. I love your passion, success points and exercises, and most of all The Word ties all up in there! So awesome. I will make it a point to visit you in person and give you a good report and tell you BECAUSE OF YOU I am who I am. 💕

  8. I’m different people call me DIFFERENT AND DOMT FIT IN and I say it’s because I cross the line I say pain doesn’t make me scared I say I’m different because I work for it follow ur dreams guys just like ima do

  9. Man I just found out I got a serious footy injury but listening to this speech is making me more hungrier for success and to work towards what I want to heal and play footy to be who I want to be who I want to see in the mirror and say not enough I want it all I want to get on the field and start showing people my true potential and how strong I really am I want success in life school footy career and I want success for knowing who I was I want to know who I am who I want to be not seeing an over weight teen in the mirror wasting his life on the couch with the tv on I want to run burn work till my body bleeds and aches and success in my religion and I want to be who I want to be I want success I want to be the kids light when darkness falls on them I want to be the person they look up to I want to be their idol I want to be what makes their future brighter

  10. I just got done doing 400 sit-ups, 10 miles on my bike and 200 pushups listening to this man after procrastinating and saying i’d start tomorrow or saying “oh it can wait” Im happy I started listening to this guy. I love this more than any workout music. He motivates me so much with the way he speaks and i’m grateful this man is changing so many people lives through these videos. People like me. Love you man 👏👏👏👏💪🏻

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