1. Third time coming at this and always fun. Incorporating med ball wall and floor slams (light reps) in between for extra fun! Thanks my dude. Dark Horse is LEGIIIIIT 🙏👍

  2. I love your videos, keep going and keep ‘em coming!

    I notice you lower your hands during recovery, so that they barely go over your knees. Not all trainers do that. Is that a trick of some sort to make sure you recover arms first? Or is there some other logic behind it? Thanks!

  3. What do you recommend in terms of power on each stroke? Do you just pull as hard as you can or do you have a certain wattage range you're looking to stay w/in depending on stroke rate? Would love to hear your thoughts, I love the videos you put out, keep them coming!

  4. Thank you for these. I first learned to row doing CrossFit years ago…and all that was was to get on the erg and go as fast as possible. I’m really digging getting into stroke rate and learning to settle into those rates. Mentally I have to break the thought process that you have to go all out to just get a work out in…. these workouts are helping!

  5. Oh, YAY! Just found this video! I got a rower in February… been working out on my own… it was cool. But these videos make it a REAL workout for me! Thanksssss!

  6. Great workout thanks! For me, it would be good to see your 500m split's to give me a target to work towards and know I'm working hard enough 🙂 Either a snippet from the memory at the end or in real time. Love you work!!!

  7. Ok, I have an idea! Do these guided videos 3 to 4 times a week and have an option to join for 4 dollars a month! That way you make money and those that use the YouTube join feature get more of these videos! Bam! 🙂

  8. I am new to rowing (but not to working out) so this might be a very silly question. I noticed that you are out of breath, but I am not. I have increased the resistance to about 3/4 max, and I am on a Kettler R 220. Is there any other thing I need to do to make my workout more intense? Thank you for your excellent instruction videos.

  9. Great, this is nice! Maybe you could incorporate the rest periods into the video, so there's no need to put it on pause. Perhaps an on screen clock/timer would be a good idea? Just a suggestion. These video's will make a nice workout even better, thanks!

  10. This was excellent, thank you! I really appreciate the follow along workouts. In particular, a 10k or hour long row would be awesome. Thanks again, DHR!

  11. If I could like this more than once I would. Really sweating over here!! Love these guided workouts, so much easier to keep pushing thru when it feels like you're working out "with" someone. I saw you offer programs, do they include videos like this? I would definitely be interested in a series. Thanks again! 👍

  12. Hey Shane, two questions – what type of what watch do you use to talk to your phone? and what are you looking to measure – is it working heart rate?thanksGuy

  13. You gotta be kidding me; THAT was a workout??? It felt like a cold warm up. I’m used to doing 5 sets of 250 meters, 45 seconds or less per set with 2 minutes of rest between sets. This felt like…a waste of 30 minutes🙄. Was this for beginners or first time rowers?

  14. Hello … thanks so much for this great video. I’ve been using your first guided workout since March and have lost almost 20 lbs. I have a very silly question please . How do I set the stroke rate on concept 2 machine ? Thx v much again

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