1. Sorry if the live performance videos don’t show up for people in Australia. They get blocked in Australia as soon as I post them. If someone could tell me how to get them unblocked in Australia I’d really appreciate it

  2. Haha this is so fun! I love technology and how it opens up possibility for amazingly talented and creative people like this!

    If interested in this type of thing, check out Kevin Olusola. One of my other favorites! He is the beat boxer/"percussion" from Pentatonix and he uses a looper and his incredible skills to create awesome stuff! He has a few things on his own YouTube channel. Enjoy! 😁

  3. it's an amazing talent to be so dextrous and to create music on the fly like this but ultimately if you heard his stuff on the radio without seeng what he's doing you wouldn't be impressed. I just don't see any longevity in what he's doing.

  4. Everyone calling Sam's controversial….His entire performance comes from his VOICE!!!, not a single backing instrument…. Can't think of a more fitting winner..

  5. I could go without the first frase. That was killing me haha. But for a wamt it it was just that. Nothing grand. He is so dope in concert. This was all just wierd to me. But it was just that a warm up

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