1. I'm sorry but all of this is not true 🙂 stick to physical therapy, your videos and tips are AMAZING.
    You are going to burn way more calories doing steady-state cardio for long periods of time and you are going to be much more safer doing so.

  2. Hi Bob and Brad, recently my back pain got very untolerable and I came across your channel. It's been a week trying to do your advices on back pain related videos and I am feeling a significant relief already. It's amazing to be pain free. Thank you very much.

  3. Here in our country Physical therapist is known as a masseur 😶 yet, I still want to become a PT soon and I wish I could be as good as you two so I can help people 💛 Godspeed 😇 Thankyou for inspiring 💛

  4. Been doing intervals in cycling and mountain for 40 years. Thanks but anyone seriously training has researched this. This is way old technique. Still effective but call b's on the one minute, it is part of a much larger program.

  5. It really needs to be stressed that a proper warmup is necessary to avoid injury both to muscles and tendons but also to the heart. Going from a state of rest, to a HIIT workout without a warmup is pretty stupid. I suggest getting on the exercise bike for at least ten minutes at an easy pace, then doing some easy free weights and light stretches. If you’re pressed for time, go on the bike or elliptical trainer. HIIT requires at least 30 minutes…15 minute warmup, 10 minutes HIIT, then a cool down. I can’t stress enough the importance of warming up. So many injuries are the result of not warming up…serious injuries, too, which often never resolve and keep someone from exercising at their full potential. I’ve been doing HIIT for years and have learned through harsh experience the importance of warming up and treating your vehicle with respect. A heart rate monitor is also vital to track activity during and after exercise… you can get an inexpensive Polar that works fine.

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