1. First of all I want to tell you that you are my favourite fittness advisor! Thank you for beeing professional and unic in same time. This pozitivity makes all the thing interesting and usable in my daily routine . You are the person who helps me change my lifestile.
    Please continue to be our mitivation!
    Thank you!

  2. It is impossible to burn fat in any specific part of your body, that's not how it works. Doing cardio and eating right will help you lose weight all over your body. Working out and training a specific area will build muscle there but won't burn fat there anymore than it will burn fat everywhere else.

  3. I'm assuming you do the fire hydrant leg lifts on a bench instead of the ground for the added challenge of balance for the core and stabilizing muscles? But it would be fine to do so on the ground. Yes?

  4. I'm watching your videos learning new things while I recover from childbirth from a week ago. I'm already doing light work outs (they don't last long at all due to pain) just to get a custom to them. I already lost 12 pounds starting from March 5th. Anyway, I plan on working out again later next week!

  5. YOU CANNOT TARGET FAT LOSS. STOP TRICKING SUBSCRIBERS BY CLICKBAIT. If you want to get rid of fat…majority of it is ur diet…be in a caloric deficit at the end of the day and your body will burn your stored fat wherever it finds it easiest

  6. Other core exercise advice may be for men. Your focus on women is what makes your content helpful. What makes these videos wonderful is your energetic and fantastic enthusiasm.

    Now if I can only find something for older men (which is what I was searching for before finding your channel). We need content matching your quality & depth of information, with energy & personality at least half as charismatic.
    Any chance you can recommend one, or maybe your SO is considering a similar channel? You're a great coach, I'll bet you could teach anyone, certainly by example.
    Again: Thanks for sharing!

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