1. Im so glad I found your channel! I have been on WW on and off since I was 16 (so over 30 years) I was lifetime but gradually gained a little back so I signed up again after freestyle started. At first I loved the idea of all the free foods, but like many others it just didn’t work for me. Thanks to you and other YouTube channels, I canceled my WW subscription, paid for the itrackbites app, and I am starting next week. You may have lost some past viewers, but you are gaining many new viewers that are having the same issues with WW. So thanks for helping me get started on an exciting new journey! 😁

  2. You made a lot of good points! (No pun intended) lol… I think everyone should be able to choose which program on ww or they just might switch like you did… I just started and so far I’m losing, but if it stops working I will be switching also.

  3. Thank you for these tips!! Because I was able to download a free pro tracker app that helps me keep my macros for the day and although wW freestyle helped me I think mainly the bulk of my weight came off due to Keto and intermittent fasting! So paying $20 is a lot when I can either pay $35 for the year or ProTracker is free

  4. i downloaded the app and it doesn't have those option under weight loss plan? It has a bunch of other things like, sugar smart, conquer cravingd, carb conscious…etc. Are the others option on the paid version?

  5. I had not done Weightwatchers at all previous to when I started last September. I did the Freestyle and I lost 40 pounds in 4-5 months (over Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays). So, it worked for me. Now I am in maintenance mode and just to use the tool is $19.95 per month. Although I have a few more points and I feel like I am eating like a pig some weeks, I am still losing weight. I cannot afford their fee just to see how many points I am using and if the iTrackbites app does the same thing, I will download it and try it out. The barcode scanner is great, but there could be up to 20 different points listed for the same thing in WW. It turned out to be a guessing game of points that you were actually consuming. I will give this a try as I would like to save the $19.95 per month as I am maintaining now. Is their concept the same as the Freestyle program?

  6. Can you do Freestyle with this app? I get 23 points with Freestyle but I downloaded itrackbites and it says I get 30 points which must be a different system. I'm used to freestyle and it's working but would like to save money

  7. I quit for the same reason. WW needs to allow you to choose the plan that works for you. Everyone has different bodies and lifestyles. I’d rather have the choice and be successful and for way less money!!!

  8. I love itrackbites! I'm using it as well and have lost 3 lbs since May 1st. I also use the points program that is similar to weight watchers. Right now I'm using the free version but I plan to pay for pro for the year. Thanks for sharing about itrackbites! 🙂

  9. I’m on WW (uk). I’m doing very well on it but it’s £12.99 a month for the app which isn’t loads but it’s £150 a year whereas iTrackBites is £31.99 for the premium. I’m hoping I can make it work because it’s basically a US database but I’m sure I can. I don’t go overboard on the free food so I could flit between the different plans on the iTrackBites

  10. Well I left WW yesterday. Subscribed to ITB and going back to what works for me. Points plus. So happy to be back in control. Freestyle didn't work for me. I struggled with it. Wasted so much money……….

  11. Thank you for this! Cancelled WW today. I'm not sure about the Classic or Bites Plus. I lost 23lbs on the prior WW program, before Freestyle and I know I'm eating way too much with Freestyle. Any suggestions? Thank you Daniela!

  12. Hi Daniella, I’m a long time WW lifetime member, gave up the “official” program several years ago bc meetings were not informative and I can champion my own success! I continued to keep my own log, moved to Freestyle, which absolutely didn’t work for me and yesterday uploaded the iTrackBites app, Classic…this morning I found your channel, lovely! Your sparkle and honesty are so appreciated, thank you! 😊💕

  13. I just found you looking for reviews for itrackbites. I am thinking about leaving ww. It is too expensive, the freestyle program is crazy in how they calculate points. It isn't just all of the zero point foods either. They are over pricing foods that are actually healthy while under pricing other foods that provide little nutrition. As for the zero point foods being ones that "less likely to be over eaten" who are they kidding.
    So, in conclusion, thank you for your review and information! I hate that I will have to pay a cancellation fee. But in the long run I will save money.

  14. Hi Daniela, just found your channel. I quit working for WW last spring then stopped doing the program a few months later. I found Freestyle just wasn’t working for me. So I tried Keto for a couple months then I started just counting calories on MyFitnesPal but I’ve gained weight (I am lifetime, and was at goal). So I was wondering about trying the itrackbites app. Can you tell me if you’re able to scan bar codes on it? Is the data base as good as MFP? It sounds like you like it, would you recommend the app? I loved the WW app and am still a faithful tracker.

  15. I just found this video when I was researching itrackbites. I joined WW on January 25, 2018 on Freestyle. I loved it! I lost 30 pounds within the first 6 months. Then, doing exactly like I'd done the first 6 months (minus several daily points as I lost), I just stopped losing! It's taken 8 more months to lose just 8 more pounds! Up and down and over again. Freestyle is just not working for me. I'm on a closed WW group on FB and more and more members are in my same boat and we're being attacked by many as not following the plan and being smug that they are doing so great on it. I tried getting blue dots every day for several months, I tried every combination of playing with my dailies/weeklies, and nothing. I have brutally and honestly tracked, not been cheating or complacent, very focused and doing everything "right" and still getting the same results. I just keep bumping up against a brick wall! I think I would be great at maintenance, but I have over 100 more pounds to lose! I downloaded Lose It! about a month ago, and while I've had some minor losses, the past 3 weeks, it promised that if I ate the calories it recommends for my age, gender, height and weight, I'd lose 2 pounds a week. That is not happening either. I'm going to take some time today and download itb and try it. Like you said in the video, what do I have to lose? Except, very hopefully, the weight.

  16. When you log a food and it has the 2 sliders to mark 0 pt food and filling food? What do these 2 sliders actually do? I am confused!!! But I was charged $44 for WW this month and said HELL NO!!! I am so glad I came across this app on instagram…. Can't wait to get going!

  17. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I had no idea about this app but I'm quitting WW and doing iTrackbites. Honestly, WW is about the money game. They know their program makes you lose weight slower, it's done on purpose to keep you a member. They are all about member retention and selling a concept of "wellness". I didnt' sign up for "wellness". I signed up for weight loss. I'm over this push for everyone to be low carb. I"m done with this belief that you should be struggling with something in order to lose weight in the name of "wellness" and all that BS. Thank you so much! I'm switching right now.

  18. Hi Daniela so sorry you lost people, you’ll get new ones. Anyway I downloaded this app. I emailed them for help on how work it. They got back to me within a few hrs, which shows me that they’re serious about app. I learned how to work it in an hr. I really like it. I barcoded, made my favorites, even made my own recipes. Thanks for all of your info…❤️👍🏻

  19. I've been heavy on WW Freestyle for 5 weeks… I lost 7.7 pounds (2 pounds a week – AT FIRST). Last week I lost 1.4 pounds…. this week 0pounds!!! I'm cranky, I'm aggravated, I'm starving!!!! When I tried Points Plus a few years ago I kept loosing, but quit bc I wasn't committed. Okay… i am going to try this app – THANK YOU!

  20. Thank you! I'm going to try itrackbites! I don't have the $$ for WW right now and honestly felt the "freestyle" program was a little TOO free. This video is incredibly helpful 💗

  21. I was paying 49 bucks a month for meetings and membership. Freestyle was not working. Don't give me anything "free" because I want it all…LOL Freestyle would be a great plan for Maintenance. And it's always about the almighty dollar. I loved my WW tribe but can't continue to afford WW's methods and agree we should be able to choose. THANK YOU!!

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