1. I love this Tempo Toughness series. I feel like I am going to get a lot stronger doing these routines rather than the intense dumbbell workouts. Could I do 3 rounds of a Tempo Toughness workout then burnout with an intense dumbbell workout for a finisher?

  2. Tempo workout or intense workout which one you choose? and why?
    I personally like intense dumbbell because i can't up weight ( i workout at home) but i can decrease my rest time and increase repetition of set which will give me really good pump.
    BTW you new hairstyle changed your look now you look good bro😎

  3. Boulder shoulders dumbbell style aww yeahhhhh ! One thing I want to note about the Tempo Toughness series: This is a different style of training than my intense 5 minute and tabata workouts. If you can easily get through a round of the Tempo Toughness workouts, then that means you just need to increase the weight you are using. Weight amount is the main method of progression here and as you keep building along with increasing that mind muscle connection, the gains are going to be insane!!

  4. Could u do a vid to make the normal workout more effective… Like tips to gain more out of less… Im not lazy or anything but id like to gain more out of my gym time…

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