1. Are you are aware that someone has stole your idea of The Simply Fit Board, they call it the Solo Fit Board, anyway I thought you all might want to know this.. I do the Simply fit Board all the time and I just noticed this Solo Fit Board is exactly like the ya'lls Board. Thank you…

  2. I Love the idea here, Get people who are feeling down about their weight & sell them some ski/skate board that got messed up in the warehouse & call it a SIMPLY FIT BOARD & charge them an outrageous price!

  3. I'm very disappointed that my board I ordered from QVC did not come with a DVD when I purchased it. Now I see these boards everywhere and they come with a DVD for a lower price than what I paid for back in December. How can I get the original DVD that came with this??

  4. My 86 year old grandmother LOVES her SIMPLY FIT BOARD! She has been using it on the carpet with no issues, but I hear it could cause breakdown and that a mat is helpful. Has anyone had any breakdown on floors?
    Please check out her fun video – using the board – on our channel – Italian MaMa. Look for: "shake it like a polaroid picture"

  5. I received a DVD with my fitboard, but it's apparently very cheaply made. It stops and starts and sometimes won't play at all. It's not my computer, because I have tested other DVD's and they work just fine. This costs way too much to have such a cheap DVD.

  6. I'm not seeing where the full video is on your website. I ordered my board last year and got a photocopied piece of paper. My friend ordered 6 months later and gets a workout dvd. Where can I get the video?

  7. I bought a board as soon as they were on Shark Tank and it took a good while till it came. It did not come with a cd. I would have really liked the cd, and would have used it a lot. How funny is it that NOW you get the board and the CD.

  8. Soon.. we will have avatars that we program our feelings to… we can just sit back and whatch them live our lives for us. This slab of plastic has literally replaced our feet. Just put on a Travolta movie, hell teach you how to twist.

  9. I couldn't find any full workouts on the website, only workouts that tell you what to do and how long. A full workout that you can follow would be nice.

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