1. I don't understand how to combine two tricks together.
    I've been trying to teach my dog to limp, so I've trained lifting his paw and touch separately. I'll ask him to
    lift the paw, but as soon as I as him for touch he immediately ignores the other cue to do the new one.
    He also becomes frustrated very quickly so I'm on a short timer when training him.

  2. I grew up in an area where people fought dogs and used very cruel training methods on their dogs. I found myself using these methods on my american bulldog, he's a sweet dog and doesn't deserve to receive the type of training I always saw as "normal human dog interaction. So I'm starting from scratch and training him a while new way, no more hitting, shaking by the scruff, no scaring him, he's 14 weeks and gonna be

  3. I really really enjoy your videos. My young dog went through some traumatic health issues right around the adolescent months and I made some training mistakes out of denial–apart from a little hesitancy he was so good with everybody before that when he started reacting I just couldn't believe it. I also tend to push my own dogs too hard with counterconditioning and expect too much from them too fast, working on that. Your calm treating vid has helped but there are some health factors complicating things. Do you ever do email consults?

  4. Är du från Sverige? 😄 hörde i nån video du lagt upp för några år sedan svenska ?? 🇸🇪 isf när flyttade du härifrån ? 🙂 vore intressant att veta ❣️

  5. Thank you for this, it is nice to see how you consider the different stages and ages of the dog's ability. Any good ideas for jumpy dogs how to let them get their fix safely when they are just puppies but not put stress on joints? Our dog at some point everyday will do the made dash around the house, even if she has had a busy day. Shes a cross between aussie shephard and border collie, bless you for all you do.

  6. Thank you so much for being so clear with your instructions. I really appreciated that you are taking care to inform "us humans" on how to know what's right for our pups! I can imagine some people would get frustrated over a dog not standing up, when the dog is tired!

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