1. I've been inspired to get back to working out after seeing a 30 day boxing class challenge on youtube and I thought your channel would be a great place to start! I travel a lot for work so don't have time to commit to the gym and I don't have a lot of space where I currently live, so this workout I can do every day after work in our room. Thanks Rebecca!

  2. When I was 193 pounds I couldn't do a squat because my knees would be In pain but now that I am 171 pounds my knees are not in pain anymore i now love to do squats 👍👍👍💪💪💪

  3. Such a great workout! I love that you do everything with us and not just show us one excersize and let us do it all alone. I love that you are talking the whole time so all I have to do is listen and I won't get distracted! It was a killer by the way but I loved it. Will come back for sure

  4. I am doing 50 squates everyday and i can seen my thigh muscles popping out..dammn i wanted to slim them..😐
    By the way her workouts really work i am following her since 3 months and i have lost 8 kgs.. now just trying to tone my body with her workout

  5. Rebecca please help! I'm doing squats and don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't feel anything happening with my glutes! My legs are on fire but nothing more than that 🙁 I also feel slight tension in lower back, what am i doing wrong? 🙁 loved the workout anyway!! thanks !! xx

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