1. NOTIFICATION SQUAD GIVEAWAY – Alright guys, I’m giving away a complete 30 Day Workout program to 100 lucky clickers within the first hour this video is published! Remember, this is NOT THE FIRST 100, but those randomly selected WITHIN the first hour the video is published. So don't b*tch if you're not one of them 🙂 Just try next time. Click the link to see if you’ve won. Good luck! 

    If you don’t win, no worries. Just be sure you have your notifications turned on so you can get to my next video quickly and try again. Good luck and thanks for being a loyal subscriber…

  2. Toshiki Yamamoto swears by upright rows and he is way stronger and athletic than you. if you don't believe me watch his training videos. Upright rows they are a great exercise if you have the proper shoulder mobility.

  3. Please tell me.. when we do it on the ground isn’t it angled down unlike what you were discussing with us before????? Need answer soon I’m adding it to my program

  4. How good, if any, are facepulls with one rope? My gym only has one, and even for my narrow feminine shoulders it's really short, I hit my nose well before my maximum range of shoulder movement, and I have to keep my elbows bent in acute angle all the time.

    BTW, saw a girl who was pretty much doing the 1st wrong variation, except seated and with straight wrists. She looked much more experienced gym-goer than me so I didn't bother her.

  5. Jeff, I know you must get countless comments like this, but I still need to tell you that you have essentially saved me. This recommendation has been fixing so many things that had been wrong with me, including a shoulder issue that I have had that physical therapy has attributed to a weak lower back. I've only been incorporating this for two weeks and the results are insane, I feel amazing! I wish I could meet you and shake your hand. You do incredible work and give out priceless information for free, you are a saint of fitness. I intend to invest in some of your products and potentially a program when I have the at home equipment someday to give back to the unbelievable fitness world that you have built. I cannot believe that someone like you exists, giving away for free what many charge for by the session. From the bottom of my heart thank you for what you do, I believe I am one of so many that has been able to benefit from the amazing work that you do.

  6. I have added face pulls to almost all of my workouts and kept the weights light. I had a winged scapula and bursitis and found that doing this exercise with one and a half reps for the extra squeeze very beneficial. Just wondering if you have tried applying this method and whether or not you would recommend just doing 12 sets of one, or if there is any added benefit of doing 12 sets of 1.5 ? Too much volume ?

  7. Used the two ropes at the gym this morning and it felt great… to have everyone looking at me like I really knew what I was doing 😂😂
    The extra push at the end is awesome. I steel feel those muscles burning 4 hours later

  8. When using a band, you can smooth out the resistance curve by slipping one handle through the other to lengthen the band, then do 1 arm at a time.
    Also do 1 arm if you only have 1 rope.

  9. I am 47 and I seriously want to get back in shape, but I recently was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. I have noticed that my shoulders are starting to drift forward. Will this exercise help me? I will take any suggestions because I am TIRED of feeling sorry for myself.

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