1. I've lost around 2 1/2 stone before joining SW and I'd lost 8.5lbs but last week I had a gain of 1.5lbs and now this week I don't seem to be losing. I'm sticking to plan so I don't know why really. Perhaps it's portion control and I'm not having quite enough speed with all meals.

  2. SW is not scientifically sound. Every a single piece of food has calories. A banana, whether you eat it whole or mashed up etc, it contains the exact same calories. SW say that mashing it changed it’s composition? Well eating a banana whole, requires you to chew (masticate) the food in order for your digestive system to break it down for energy. Also, body weight fluctuates throughout the day and a weight loss of 1-2Ibls a week is excellent (the body can only burn off that amount of fat per week, the rest is water loss). Caloric deficit is the way to go. If you don’t believe me then go and do a course in biology, chemistry and biochemistry!!! If someone has managed to lose on SW, it’s only because they are, by coincidence, been in a caloric deficit.!!

  3. God, I feel like you’ve been watching me 😂 Treat day syns 😳 You know it’s wrong but you still do it! Think I’ll be stopping that now……😂 Great video! Z

  4. Hi Nikki! My mum and I have been doing sw for a couple of weeks. We both lost around 3lbs the first week but now I have put on 3lbs, she put on 2! I've eaten pretty much the same as I did last week, I don't understand why I've put on?

  5. I've just stumbled across this video so gave it a watch as it's actually really relevant to me. My losses have really slowed down… I lost 1lb last week… and I'm nowhere near target so have been feeling really disheartened and lost with it all… this video has been great to be honest. Really good advice from someone that knows what they're talking about. Fantastic. Thank you xxx

  6. There is no Slimming World in my country so I am trying to piece together the program but I don't think it will work for me. I am very confused as to what free food is. Why is it called free? don't you have to watch how much of it you eat?

  7. Thanks Nicki I really enjoy your words of wisdom. Is there any chance you would do another video around the Secret and tips towards using it more 😇 trust your pregnancy is going well xkaren ps I attend SW in Southampton. Laura is our Leader

  8. You're absolutely right. At the end of the day it's all about calories. SW gives you a fairly easy way to do this!
    Nibbling bits & bobs is the cause of most of my weight.
    Eating out on SW a pain when you are vegetarian. Few choices available.

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