1. I did a bike tour in 2018, thro Scandinavia. 3 months on the road more or less. I lost 16 pds, I was back to the weight that I last achieved 20 yrs ago, when I was super fit, lean etc. What I can say is that if you cycle 50 miles a day average for 3 months, you WILL loose weight, no matter what diet you are on, the trouble is, finding the time.

  2. Strongly endorse the fresh food and the variety. I would add that leafy greens are essential. My skin starts to look like a cross between sandpaper and old leather if I skip that. Wish I'd figured that out 20 years ago! The "supergreen" salad mixes at the supermarket that include spinach and chard are particularly good IMHO. Not so keen on kale though.

  3. I have tested countless weight reduction programs already but not one of them provided me the final results just like I obtained with this “Yamzoko Weebly” (Google it) method. Even I am not eating much as I used to be, I still don’t truly feel jittery or sense a crash Since utilizing the tactics described in this program, I lost 15 pounds currently. .

  4. There is a real way to drop weight wile Cycling. Don’t eat until you stomach is crying for food .
    Not we are going to do some Trickery with are body.
    Get a good hill inyour ride get use to riding 45 min to an hour a day at least 6 days a week.

    That from 10 to 12 miles for most of new riders.
    After 6 weeks you should feel be feeling stable at this pace and distance.
    Now we ride an extra 25 min, bang weight will start to fall off, now we are going to do 3 sprints of 1 min each after 8 weeks keeping standing up hold your arms stiff so your doing real power sprints.
    After your sprints your going to take strong breaths for 30 sec wait recover do it again.
    This is going to kick your ass pretty sure about this. Now we are riding 1 hour 25 min.

    When you put in the sprints your average speed should be going up has your body except regiment Ok.

    We where riding at 10 mph at the start at the end of 12 weeks see what happens .
    Really you don’t need to scale every day.

    If any one wants trainging im here online for you and ill give you the only real training advice that will make you fast.

    My Average speed in hills was 22 mph and flats 30+ jumping onto the back of cars going 45 mph and keeping up with them. I was one of Dylan Clarks trainers and he had a $400,000 open contract to ride in
    Europe on Lance Armstrongs teem.

  5. Read the Ingredients. Especially what are the first 3 on the list. Keep away from empty calories. Olive oil – just eat the olive. And for complete success, chew the food.

  6. Imagine how much lighter his wallet is after buying all that in a day.. gels, drinks, shakes, restaurant dinner, cafe foods How is gcn paying such high wages?

  7. Thanks guys, Just got into cycling again after a 27 year absence. Had several heart stents last year. So gave up the fags 03/10/2018. Now hitting the pedals everyday and time to think about me diet. Do like the odd tipple so straight vodka as opposed to the real ale from now on. Great Channel, keep it up !

  8. I bought a Specialized tarmac and started back riding after 20years out of competitive cycling. At 6'4, I was 198Lbs. In 4 months, I am down to 168 by going Vegan, doing yoga, drnking lots of water and cycling.

  9. 10:55 "if you carbo load; something you absolutely should do" I thought this myth has been debunked and that informed athletes are not doing so. Many studies show it doesn't work, and may even impede performance. Otherwise, informative video in an enjoyable format.

  10. Depends on gender? But they are now saying gender is a "social construct", so does that mean if I "identify" as a woman tomorrow, the heart rate strap will adjust to my new identity accordingly? Then again, they are also now saying men can have periods too…So, I guess it's best to dismiss whatever bullshit they say altogether, & stick with reality. Lol

  11. I have currently employed this particular “Yamzoko Weebly” (Google it) for a number of weeks by now and the results are awesome. I have the vitality I would like without controlling my desire for foods without making me feel jittery. I did absolutely nothing special on my very own diet plan and I still are able to cut my excess weight to 7 lbs. .

  12. Hmm i wonder how i can gain more weight as muscles instead of fat… im 16yrs old about 175 tall and weigh only 56.4kg…
    Im pretty good at climbing but not the straights which i wanted to improve on

  13. weigh yourself first thing, go to the toilet then weigh yourself. its the most consistent point to do it. once you have eaten/drunk anything you will be manipulating the numbers.

  14. bruh I have like 1 or 2 meals a day and if I'm feeling like it. I drink like 5 liters of water a day cuz why not
    the problem is that I have those 2 meals after 7pm and its nighttime so I gain weight oof

  15. I'm finding that the best way to lose pounds quick is to minimize added sugar from any source, and add weight training to your regimen. Weight training increases your rest metabolism, which burns extra calories even when you are resting.

  16. I'm a big cheater in math….so, if I consume 4 bad meals/day and add one tasty meal before bedtime I would have only eaten on good meal for the day. I should then lose weight in a couple weeks. Told you I'm a genius when it comes to cheating in math.

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