1. Loved this vlog babe . How can it be safe to permanently remove your under harm sweat glands I would love to give it a go tho think I’m going g to reed up on it a little more . Surly we need to sweat for some reason🤔💖💖💖

  2. I need to get back into working out. I’ve been so bad for the last like 2 months and I love to eat so essentially I just need to work out enough to keep the Doritos and ice cream from adding lbs. Speaking of food, that panini looks so good and now I’m gonna search on Amazon for a George Foreman grill

  3. Use lemon or lime on ur armpits. Will not stop the sweat that much but it will not smell. Tried it out in Jamaican heat and I swear by it now. Been doing it for a month. Will never use deodorant again

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