1. Another great video, thank you. I have to say I can also hear the camera operator breathing, it's competing with what you two are saying? Hopefully that's rectified for future videos like this (I'm not suggesting they shouldn't breathe, by the way! A cover for the on-camera mic, maybe?)

  2. First of all shave the beard every other guy I see these days has a beard this beard trend is a joke but anyway I don't follow fashion that would be a joke but anyway keep up the good work

  3. Awesome and true stuff.
    My old coach used to do this routine.
    Sometimes he used to switch it up to the pyramid protocol.
    5sec max power 55sec light boxing
    10sec max power 50sec light boxing
    15/45, 20/40 , 25/35, 30/30 and after that round the same stuff downwards.
    Total 11 rounds.
    What's your opinion about this routine?

  4. He is the fight Fighter I ever heard besides my Old hall of fame trainer “ talk bout the 3 or 4 types of faints .Best to you both in your endeavors .Good video .Bless Up .#god.d64 🙏

  5. When am left hooking the heavy bag my shoulder started to hurt and now I have to stop, any ideas anyone? Am orthodox stance but I throw my left hook way more than my right. My left hook is a lot better than my right I have thrown it that much over time

  6. This finally explains for me why many of the heavy bag workouts from Mayweather has him touching the bag with intermittent bursts and back to touching. Never knew there was science behind it like alactic power remaining for the course of 3 minute rounds training. Just subbed and thanks for this vid.

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