1. The people you surround yourself with will determine your level success! …i've read that same line so many times in god know how many self help books about money & finance… but it applies here too! if all your friends are into fitness and are going to the gym and constantly eating healthy things & you're there to see it all, you will to! they don't have to tell you to lose weight because you're more likely to pick it up yourself, think of all the fads and music and phases you were into as a kid, it was most likely friends that got you into all of that… friends are contagious!

  2. I've kinda always been chubby. First because of a love of food and then, in my teenage years, because of hypothyroidy (that I still have). I stopped eating as much about 6 years ago but I still got more and more weight. I wasn't feeling well with myself because I just felt unhealthy even if it wasn't really a food problem.
    I had my share of people telling me to lose weight in my life (even if I'm not THAT fat) : my doctor who diagnosed me with an hormonal problem BUT told me to wait it out (yeah, it helped me A LOT DOC) which didn't work obviously and some occasional friends or family members.

    One example I can think of of "please do not tell me to lose weight like this" was when I was in vacations in Switzerland with my mom and a friend of her. It was my first time meeting her and she seemed nice enough even if she tended to talk a bit too much. And… well I remember I only ate maybe two slices of bread with some butter and cenovis on it and a glass of orange juice and I was going to the kitchen to go grab a yogurt. I remember she kinda cornered me there and told me pretty outright that her daughter used to be obese but she changed her alimentation and it helped a lot. Reminder: I am not obese, just chubby, and I didn't eat THAT MUCH in front of her.
    She insisted that if I began to exercise and ate less, I would totally be able to be fit. While I agree with her, she doesn't know me nor WHY I'm in this situation and in this context, the tip she gave me is a bit rude.
    I tried to tell her gently that my weight is not linked to how much food I eat (since I eat about one or two small meals per days and walk 1 hour everyday) but that I have a condition. She didn't seem to believe me, thinking that I was just making excuses and telling me some effective ways to control what you eat.
    I quickly excused myself and just ran off to another room and did my best to not talk to her.

    I know she didn't mean that in a mean way at all. But it still came off as pretty rude considering I was already making efforts to change and I don't need someone to state the fact that I'm fat as if I didn't know it already.

    Nah, do like my mom who is really supportive of everything I do to lose weight, celebrates the small losses and even was the one to ask around so that I could find something to fight my hypothyroidy. I lost 10kg since last summer without doing really anything different with my diet and now that I'm counting calories I'm finally losing weight like a normal human being.

  3. My mum used to tell me and my sister everyday that we needed to lose weight and that we were overweight and it ALWAYS made it worse. We didn’t see it as helpful at all. I know she was coming from a loving place but it wasn’t until she stopped that I actually started losing weight. I felt so pressured and like I wasn’t ready. If someone feels like they’re ready to lose weight then yeah, it definitely can be helpful to let them know you’re concerned about them but if they’re not ready then it can make it worse.

    I’ve since lost 30kg since I was pregnant with my second 6kg of that was baby and fluid etc the rest was pretty much my commitment and breastfeeding. I’ve still got a few more kg to go but I don’t have anyone around me nagging me to lose weight so that’s why I’m still on track.

  4. This exactly. I was defiant when my family would tell me to lose weight (on the flip side, when I did lose weight at one point, my mother told people I had an ED, which was false and angered me so much.). I hit rock bottom a lot of times after getting to a point of ballooning up over 300 pounds after a successful weight loss, but I could never fully commit. I always had an excuse. It took a long time for me to truly be honest with myself and to get serious about making a change, but it needed to come from me first. I'm currently the most successful that I've ever been in the past 13 years, so far losing 25 pounds, and it's shown me how much I held myself back.

  5. I have all allways been around 220 pounds in weight, but over a year i got up to 305. All my freinds even colleges told me "ohh you should start losing weight". It didnt motevate me at All.

    Then my mom said "Son, you fat as fuck. Go lose weight" now im 195

  6. Honestly I've been told by family and friends for years that I should start to lose weight. They were never rude about it and I could tell that they were looking out for me. Family and friends care about you. However, I do agree with him that I was in denial. I think it's good to show that you have a concern, at some point we will realize what you mean. I just now made the change at the end of August to start getting fit for my health. I'm 10 pounds down but I still have a ways to go. I think we need to understand sometimes that people are doing this for our best interests.

  7. Right, its not about emphasizing losing weight. It's about taking them on your journey if they're willing. If you live a more active lifestyle and offer them to come along some will come along and find out they like it.

  8. I have a question about talking to somebody about their health this is in relation to my father.

    He is only 58 years old but has let his weight and his health gets so out of control that I feel like he thinks there is no more hope. He has had two heart attacks a stroke been diagnosed diabetic and does not control his blood sugar.

    My siblings and I have tried to talk to him, after his stroke I even went as far as cleaning out his entire pantry And giving him recipes.

    Honestly I feel like he knows what he supposed to do he just goes against that every day. Is there a point where you just give up, when that person has clearly given up on them self?

    It’s really hard for me to be around him when I see him slowly killing himself I try to spend as much time as possible but it’s very draining.

  9. While attending my cousin's birthday party I met a young woman. I saw her eating exactly how I would have once eaten. Pizza stacked on top of pizza for her first plate, went back for more a few times and then had 2 large cupcakes for desert. I wanted to give her a big hug and tell her that there is a whole nother life she could have, and that she deserved better. I wanted to say that food could make her feel good during, after, and later and that it had no right to make her feel otherwise! Of course I didn't say a word but I felt terrible for her. It was like seeing christmas past for me, I know exactly how she felt. If I had known her for more then an hour I would say this is the way to tell someone. Thoughts anyone?

  10. Im not sure if you will ever see this but I want to say Thank you for saving my life!! I was overweight and struggling with my weight at 425. I was 29 years old and thought I would live for a while and not worry about my weight. I found your video late one night and I watched them and I thought that I need to do this but it never clicked in my head to actually get the weight off. When I went to the doctor for my check up, he told me would you like to see 35. I told him YES!! I was informed that if I didnt change my life around, I wouldnt see it.

    I am now 32 years old and I just weighed in at 275, I am still big but my life has changed tremendously. My target weight is 230! The before and After I have is crazy! I'm not playing softball, running on a treadmill and the best part of it! I AM ABLE TO RIDE THE ROLLER COASTER AT SILVER DOLLAR CITY!!!

    So thank you for saving my life!!!

  11. This is an Excellent video! You do bring up a good point about people having to make the choice themselves because they really are the only ones who can hold themselves accountable I know that I'm the only one who can hold me accountable in my healthy lifestyle and I still sometimes make unhealthy choices but I'm more aware and know that I am making an unhealthy choice .

  12. I think the best way to encourage someone to get healthy is to simply live the life yourself. I've had friends come to me and say "I'm ready to get in shape like you ". They see I'm happy living healthy and they feel because I do it and they know me they can do it. Thats the best way.

  13. Is it wrong if someone is disgusted by their lover's excessive weight gain? I get that there's more to love than just appearances, and I can't speak from experience, but I've always wondered are people wrong if they feel less attractive to their SO after they've gained 200-300 pounds? Weight gain is normal, but excessive weight gain like that, I'm curious, share your opinion.

  14. Hey man. Not sure if you will see this. But the bikes are sold out till late mid September, will your code still be available? Also is there monthly payments you can make? I cant spend over 1000 right up front but those bikes look so nice! 😭

  15. My mom wants the easy way out. She’ll buy weight loss scam brands, go on crash diets, and ultimately fall back into binging mass amounts of junk food. She doesn’t listen to me, and at this point I’ve given up on trying to convince her

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