1. That warm up is so unnecessary. All you need to do is spend no more than 5 minutes to mobilise the muscles you are doing in your workout, then do about 3 warm up sets for the major muscle groups.

  2. Excellent content. Been lifting for about 42 years, half of that time FB workouts. Trying to mix it up after so many years gets redundant. Like your variations, will indeed incorporate your routine. Thanks.

  3. Good enough but still rather 5*5 and it's variations. Compound movements and as for core I rather separate sessions with pillates like moves. But anyway FBW is better for me than split.

  4. Love the workout. The problem for many though, is when they’ve only got say 45-50 mins on their lunch break to get through it in their packed City gym. 😢

  5. Obi you have helped me out a lot. I am a type 2 diabetic and ever since watching your videos I have consistently hit the gym and followed your advice. My blood sugar levels are the best they have ever been in the 10 years I have been a diabetic. One question- How do I get the music you use in your videos. I would love to listen to them while working out.

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