1. 1:50 basically what you're saying is that the fattest man on earth has the highest bench press, so that's why that statement is wrong. You do quite a good job at making it sound convincing tho LOL. Btw what about woman there boobs count as pecs too right??

  2. The variation of the lateral raise is awesome. I have a slight impingement in my shoulder and this is actually comfortable. Absolutely bang on with the plane of movement explanation as well which is why it works and activates the muscle properly.
    Disclaimer – just because this worked for me, doesn't mean it will work for you! If you feel discomfort doing lateral raises, just don't do them, it's not worth the pain.

  3. Dude, jedd, love the vids. Perfect logos for all the techniques floating around. I like ur general variation over muscles in the lift. But, cuño 165 lbs maxing out bench??! You must only b 5'6"

  4. I’m not gonna lie I was a lil bored watching your video after a few other channels.
    But your information & overall video is great thanks for the tips & ideas. I’m starting a new push/push split on Monday.
    Thinking about adding quads & calfs to push & ham/gluteus to pull. Instead of a full separate leg day & I can use that for plyo & Hiit training etc

  5. My heels don't reach the ground during bench press, what do? I'm thinking of buying a wooden plank and cutting it to give me a 3 inch raise from the ground to rest my feet on. I saw in the video Jeff arches so much his legs are almost standing, isn't that too much though?

  6. The programming is fairly sound, but your form on some of the movements…no mind-muscle connection, tempo too fast, no squeezing of the muscle at the top of the movement, a lot of momentum on the tricep exercises…wow

  7. that overhead shoulder pressing… and the internal rotation of the shoulder with the triceps exercise….my god, boy, that's a long term recipe for shoulder disaster.

  8. Hi! I have your Push Pull Leg book, but there is a question. How i should use the training programme. week 1 from block 1 then week 2 from block 2? Or go on block 1 and after that go for block 2? Just you said, failure is the goal in block 2, then whats the point to train for 8 weeks without any failure?


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