1. Hey there! Been following the routine now for 2 weeks during my Active Rest Day for my Parallettes training. Great results already as it helps building more strength that can I use right off on the parallettes. Do you happen to have another full-body routine/program with just dumbbells? I am still progressing on this one but I am already curious about where it could get me after! Cheers, and thank you!

  2. In your intro you said this is a workout you can do with "just two dumbbells" which makes it sound like you are suggesting that all exercises should be done with the same weight. If that is the case, the weight might feel light for some exercises, while it might feel right for others. (I, for one, can use a heavier weight for chest and bent over rows than for shoulder press, for example.) I assume you would want to use different weights for each exercise, but that means you will need access to a few different pairs of dumbbells. IF you ARE indeed suggesting we do the full workout with the same pair of dumbbells, then how do you suggest we pick the correct weight? Do we go for the most we can use for 10 reps for the weaker part of the body? Or do we go a little higher than that?

  3. This a great basic routine, by that I mean that you should use this as the skeleton of your own routine. You really should add more stuff to make this very effective.
    Also, not to point out the obvious but you really should add some abs and lower back stuff here… Jeff Nippard
    has the best video I've seen on abs workouts, can't recommend it enough.

  4. Those who keep asking how much weight you should use… Really depends on your size.
    But those last few reps should be almost impossible… They should make the muscles burn. So start out light, and if it's too easy, add some more kg/lb.

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