1. wouldn't it just be easier to do the curls on a cable machine..this way you won't need to rubber band…with a cable, you have constant tension…just a thought…

  2. I dont think 20+ inch arms (with low body fat) is obtainable naturally. To get that kind of mass and keep it on will require some form of "supplement"

  3. John got a ? I'm pushing 65 and started back in the gym about 7 wks ago. I have not trained with any consistency for about 10 yrs, To my surprise my body has responded really well. I have to be careful with my left shoulder and rarely get on the flat bench, I find working with dumbbells works a lot better for me. I'm a diabetic so with diet and workouts I have cut allot of fat off my frame, and really see some definition beginning to show. Some friends has raised some eye brows and one Doctor told me I'm to old to get any muscle size at this point. John, I totally understand where I'm at with my age, but I'm not one to go down without a fight. So tell me should I give up this passion, or stay in the fight………Thanks for all your videos, I wished this old man would have came across this stuff 25 yrs ago.

  4. me frontwards my arms are not wide so im assuming the hammer curls performed is to achieve the 3 dimensional look of the arms correct ? What about wide grip curls on the olympic bars which is better ?

  5. John is still more vascular and has bigger peaks in his biceps ol boy gotta catch up… John you giving me so much positive influence because uve been through hell and back and yet here u are still killing it not letting age or lifes problems stop you and if u can do it then so can we!!
    Your friend in iron…

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