1. Wow you are on point!! I have leg day tomorrow.. Thank you for the words of Wisdom…🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

  2. What's hy-PER-trophy¿? Why are you emphasising the per, it's all one word: Hypertrophy – It sounds like you're breaking the word up into syllables while emphasising the 'per' bit – Hy PER trophy. It's Hypertrophy, Hypertrophy, one word. Sorry just had to get that outta my system 😅👍
    Carry on…

  3. Scott Herman and Steve cook are in the top 5 fitness channels. I love the the facts that y'all always present and he motivation. Collab video with Scott? Good idea right guys?

  4. Steve i'm surprised the varicose veins aren't coming out yet like they are in Stan Efferding or John Cena with your medium dosage of Tren. Give it a few more years though. Can't wait for those varicose veins to start popping out from your shoulders and into your chest like Cena. Anything accomplished on steroids is going to be deleted just like they deleted Lance Armstrongs records. The fact that you even have 1.2 million followers confirms just how many deluded, deceived, gullible, naive people there are. Over 78 percent of Steves followers are from third world countries like India and basically the entire continent of South America. Yeah ok Steve show us how to work out because you would know as a steroid user. The biggest sign of steroid use is 3D shoulders. There are more androgen receptors within the shoulders so they are more prone to grow or have more potential to grow. Sucks that I can literally see right through you huh Steve?

  5. Totally agree with you on the partner. I always try to workout with my buddy on leg day, so they are smoked after. I've been hoping to see you make a video about nutrition! Maybe the finer points and about flexible dieting etc… always trying to learn.

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