1. Fascinating good video enjoyed it seems well put together and informative.
    didn’t start losing weight until I read this amazing book on the right foods to eat and portions. If you like a free copy of the e-book just email me at borntotrainbtt @ gmail .com ( minus the spaces) and I’ll send it straight over to you.

  2. I started this nutritional cleanse and detox system that helps to fix nutritional deficiencies and purges toxins from the body. I not only lost 48 lbs and gained 9 pounds of lean muscle mass and my energy is through the roof. I was so excited I just started to work out now too! I feel so much better!

  3. Do you really want to lose weight but time is too busy? So where is your dignity to start losing weight? Discipline is important but you can also do something with Time. Take note for the best result you can still do the same routine and add this for better result. just wanna share what I found if you love yourself and want to begin losing weight. I hope this could also help. see my page: https://looseweightwithjl.weebly.com/

  4. His weight loss advice: do one commitment at a time. Like what I'm doing, I exercised every day for a month first, then after a month, I added to exercise, no soda/sugary drinks. That is where I'm at now. Every little change will contribute to the bigger picture which is, for me, is losing weight and being healthy by the end of the year. I lost 10 lbs so far and it's only been a month and a half. I'm expecting to lose 10 more lbs by the end of this month. I have 40 lbs more to lose afterwards.

  5. I lost 50 lbs, and shrank my stomach in a year. And I've kept it off for 5 years. My approach is from the digestive system angle, because the energy required for digestion is more than most people realize. If you Google search the "hunger" hormones, you'll find that satiation at a meal will take about 20 minutes to arrive. I checked this with my doctor. When I was obese (265 lbs), I would wolf my food and eat about twice as much (2nd helpings of everything) as the skinny people at the table….in about 10 minutes. And so it would be puzzling why I would have a full stomach yet still feel hunger. It's the hormones. Packing my stomach this way created the huge belly that I had. You can grow a belly rather quickly, and with that belly comes a larger appetite. It's a vicious circle. I watched my brother grow a belly in just that way. He was never fat as a kid or adult until he started wolfing his food. Since diets always failed me, I decided to experiment with doing the opposite of wolfing food, which is thorough chewing of each bite. Chewing up all solid bits of food before swallowing. Remember that 20 minute wait before satiation, because chewing thoroughly is a slow way to eat, even though you're chewing for 20 minutes, and tasting flavors for that full span of time. Understand that people who wolf their food do not appreciate being told to chew food thoroughly. The wolfing instinct protects itself with a quick emotional response to the dreaded suggestion to chew thoroughly. In fact, it's almost a guaranteed turn off, and dieticians will not broach the topic of chewing food. They lose the audience when they do. Chewing thoroughly does 2 major things.

    [ 1 ] It limits the amount of food you eat in the 20 minutes that it takes for the hormones to kick in. That's less calories. And uses less energy to pump that smaller meal through 25 feet of intestines. There is about 2 days worth of meals being pumped through your intestines right now. That requires energy.

    [ 2 ] It is pre-digestion, and so the stomach has less work to do to digest, saving energy. Having enough energy between meals is essential for successful weight loss.

    To save more energy, you should include fiber with each meal. Fiber eases the passage of those 5 or 6 stools you are pumping, currently in your intestines.
    If you're serious about losing weight, then you have to eliminate sugar from your diet. Eating sugar is a fat gaining experience, and a nasty habit.
    I did these things, along with walking for 40 minutes 1st thing in the morning, and I lost the weight, and shrank my stomach.
    The Chinese have studied wolfing of food, and their conclusion is wolfers always consume more calories than folks who chew properly.
    I don't chew as thoroughly as I did when I was losing weight. But when I catch myself wolfing, I slow down. Here it is in a nutshell :
    [ 1 ] Chew thoroughly
    [ 2 ] Include roughage at every meal.
    [ 3 ] Eliminate sugar from your menu. Otherwise, you eat what you normally eat. No reliance on salads, or measuring servings. That is what I call sustainability.
    [ 4 ] Go for a brisk 40 minute walk, 1st thing in the morning. If you fail to do it 1st thing, you'll find a way of not doing it. Exercise raises the metabolism, burns calories, and maintains muscle mass. You can do an experiment at your next meal. Chew thoroughly. You may find that you'll lose interest in food before your plate is polished off. And you'll have enough energy to last you until the next meal. I will respond to questions or criticisms of this diet regimen. It really ain't that difficult to chew food. Just do it.

  6. I Honestly love and admire chris powel for his beautiful heart to see people transform their life and i must say this is one of his best video when he talked about integrity and commitment. but one thing i must disagree with him is 5 small meals a day is a BIG NO NO. DON'T DO IT. Unless you want to develop diabetes. constant eating resulted in athletes to develop diabetes because theri insulin kept spiking every time they ate and when this happens it can eventually lead you to develop diabetes. I watched it from Jillian Micheal who confirmed this

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