1. Not sure how you guys feel about doing a viewers workout but a couple of my credentials I was state of Montana's Golden glove champion and Montana's semi pro super middleweight champion anyway this is my workout done 3 times a week done in a circuit should only take 30-35 minutes Round 1- 10 clap push ups, bent over rows for 20 reps, clean and press for 5 reps, single leg dead lift for 15-20 reps both sides, single arm kb or db snatch for 5 reps, goblet squat for 15-20 reps. Round 2 is done in Tabata style 40 seconds on 20 seconds off single arm snatch, goblet style lunge, lunge, squat, alternating kb swings, kb swing into a goblet squat, single arm snatch. Round 3 is alternating between kb swings and burpees so 1 kb swing then 7 burpees, 2kb swings then 6burpees, 3kb swings then 5 burpees so on until 7 kb swings and 1 burpee.

  2. Most of these superstar workouts dont make sense. No splits? Only one workout Im not expert, but I train harder than this shit and I dont see how you can get a good physique with it.

  3. Hey dudes I've been working these training routines your putting up and so far they have added extra size and muscle to my frame…my favorites are the aquaman..the cable routine…and batman…I'm a martial artist and boxer so these workouts are very functional and enjoyable and will definitely try the new ones keep up the great work ….thanks

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