1. Hi Jenny! I really enjoy this workout and also, Total Body Weight Workout 2. I usually alternate between these two workouts after doing a marching workout or shorter step workout as my cardio warm up. I started working out with your videos a while ago, and am amazed at the progress. When I started, I couldn't even do one lunge without losing my balance and falling over. I am 55+ yrs of age but really want to keep in shape and remain mobile in my later years. Now, after following your workouts regularly, I can do many lunges, lunges with weights, lunges with kicks, you name it, and I never fall over! My kicks are a lot higher too and I am so much stronger and more flexible too. I really want to thank you so much…you have such a variety of workouts to choose from, different levels from beginner to very challenging so I am never bored but I am really getting into a much better level of fitness and health thanks to you. You are just awesome Jenny!

  2. How heavy were your dumbbells Jenny? Looks like you've really bumped them up since the jumpstart series. The light ones were 10 and the heavy 15? You have become fitter and stronger since you delivered your last baby 😁😁💪💪

  3. The thumbnail image is so awesome. Were you all on each other's back? LOL It has been a while since you posted a strength training workout, so I know I am going to love it. I have done your classic toning workout so many times until now and each time I am sore for at least 2 days.

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