1. You are awesome , I have subscribed you today…watched more than 12 videos since noon and learned alot which surely gonna improve myself whether in terms of clothing, personality or health. I will never unsubscribe you

  2. Why people writes so much shit in comment box.,even though ur work is perfect and to the point.thanks sir so much. You have motivated me to gyming.its been a week .its tough but worth it. Respect you so much.

  3. Watched all of your videos on workout….But you haven't said anything about breathing….I mean when to breathe in and when to breathe out while doing any exercise….It would be better for beginners to know that too because that is one of the most important things one should keep in mind….

  4. bro your videos are super awesome but please recommend those exercise too which fat people's can do like you have recommended bench dips for triceps but it is very difficult to do for a person having weight 103 kg

  5. i have been watching your videos for quiet a long time, your info is crisp and to the point keep up the good work, i have a query i wake up in the morning at around 6 and do my workout (heavy weights) at around 7 mostly empty stomach or i have few pre soaked almonds 4-5.
    i need your advice regarding pre workout meals What should i do to maximize my gains my goal i both fat loss and to build lean muscles.

  6. Great series! Thoroughly enjoyed the videos.

    However, I had a couple of questions for you:

    1) How is the tricep push down different from a cable curl? Also, what happens if you stand straight while doing the tricep push down?

    2) Any recommendations on how to keep a track of progress? I have been looking for apps that can keep a log of my activities but haven't found any good ones yet. Any suggestions?

  7. love your content …👍👍 but I have a question.
    I have been working out since the past 5-6 months and I have read that you should keep varying your workout (in terms of reps..) like varying your reps for a week by lifting heavy with fewer reps or light weights with more with reps. what is your take on that ?
    my objective is to gain muscle mass and I was too skinny before starting to workout regularly.. I still have to gain a lot..

  8. I watched some of ur videos , I really liked them and I'm gonna follow ur page as well from now 😀
    Pls help me out here a bit , I'm really confused about taking a protein shake or sticking to my diet .. I really want to build some lean muscle but as I said , I'm just a little confused 😛

  9. Hi,
    I have always been an obese boy since my childhood.But in November 2015 I reached my maximum weight i.e 100 kg. That's when i realized that i have to shred a few kilos.So today is 18 March 2016 , after 4 months I have lost 13.5 kg and now I weigh 87.5 kg just by doing HIIT for 15 min everyday followed by 10 min of skipping and one set of 10 reps of squats and Push ups(I do this 6 times a week).I am a vegan and I have given up all kinds of sugar items in my diet(except milk) and rarely eat any fried food.So now I am moving on to weight training.I had a few questions regarding those-

    Q1-Which exercises should I do first?
    Q2-How much should I lift?(Eg: 10 kgs,20 kgs…..)
    Q3-How many sets and reps should I perform?

    BTW you are my biggest inspiration.

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