1. Your videos are my favorite! Especially your breakfast meals. I like a more savory meal rather than the traditional oatmeal and protein pancakes, etc. so thank you for showing more options to us ladies who don’t like the typical “sweet” breakfast if that makes sense lol 💕

  2. for your dog, exercise would be good, also if he poops when you leave then crate training might be good. He won't like it but dogs generally wont poop in an area if they have to stay there or will eventually learn not to. Also, in the event he has separation anxiety, leaving for really short periods at a time (like 5 mins) then gradually and slowly extending the time you leave for and giving him lots of love and reassurance when you come back can help with that

  3. Omg haha my dog ,she gets so mad when I leave her out any room I’m in. She literally will scratch at the door and it sounds like a person banging on it so loud it’s obnoxious and i just give in because i don’t want my neighbors thinking I have someone locked in a room lmfao hahaha

  4. I love how honest you are steph! a lot of these vlogs you see are just about the highlights of their day but your videos are so real. We can definitely relate to what you say. you’re an inspiration gal ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. I fucking love your videos especially the cooking ones !!! I will be sending you some bomb ass recipes especially for Mexican food cause I’m Mexican and I hope you love them, I’m sure you WILL❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍

  6. I watch your cooking videos all the time and though I am a very picky eater and not much of a cook , I have wanted to make a lot of these recipes. I need to lose a good amount of weight too but I am having such a hard time motivating myself to start. I buy ingredients then never really cook it 😔 help !

  7. Love these videos also guys the scale is a MAJOR MUST! I’m a personal trainer but before that I was a regular non fitness person. The scale helps you know exactly what ur eating and PORTION SIZE. For example it’s very important to measure pasta because when you see how much a serving size is you’ll shocked

  8. 🌷Great nice videO as always🌷
    👅Sexy Ass thumbnaiL tho👅
    😗Your Beautiful sexy self😗
    😍MaKeuP stay on pOinT😍
    😙😙Pretty Ass OutFit😚😚
    Hope u Have a Wonderful WeekeNd

  9. That green leafy thing you call cilantro is actually Culantro, I hope that you don't get bother because I correct what you said.
    All your recipes always look so good, every time I watch your videos and your sister, I get so hungry.

  10. I'm gonna have to try the lunch and dinner recipes. They look so good. Just weighed myself this morning and I've lost 5lbs from getting back in shape 2 weeks ago. I'm down 12lbs from my starting weight 160 and am almost at my goal of 145. Now that I'm almost there I'm going for 140.
    You inspire me Steph 😘❤❤❤

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