1. Great meal plan and haul! I've said it before and I'll say it again – you are AMAZING being able to prepare separate meals! I would not be able to do be successful if I had to make separate meals!!

  2. Incorrect scanning or cashiers in a rush drives me nuts, even though it happens by accident most of the time. I scored big time at Safeway last week on ground beef that ended up being 50 cents a pound….I think they just ground way too much because there were tons of huge packages of it. Oh I totally remember those breakfast bowls you used to make with your poached eggs! I had a bad bunch of Happy Eggs last week….every yolk broke almost immediately, which is super weird for that brand. Oh gosh, I used to drink SO MUCH of that Oregon Chai. It's so good, right?

  3. This is a great example of what I’ve been saying. I find myself having to cook separate meals for myself on Freestyle instead of being able to share the meals I’ve prepared for my family. It’s a bummer.

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