1. Our friend’s mother drank Diet Dr Pepper for ages…she died…it ate holes in her brain tissue…so sad and preventable. Well done Eric for throwing it out! You look great!👍💗

  2. Eric, you are looking healthy and happy. I know you are working on this diligently and that is truly an inspiration. Your exercise routine looks intense and I'm so proud of you for your commitment to it. You wear me out just watching it. I know you'll reach your goal and then some! Be blessed in your journey.

  3. Zevia is made with stevia and erythritol which is derived from fruits and actually contains antioxidants and provides 200x the sweetness of sugar but has no caloric value nor does it raise blood sugar levels.  All Zevia beverages are zero calorie and zero sugar with no artificial ingredients, without sacrificing flavor. Sweetened with stevia leaf, Zevia sodas, energy drinks, sparkling waters, and mixers offer delight the natural way.

  4. Yay! Lol…aspartame in general. You kill me. You're so good at change when you learn/see the benefits. 👍☺ Add a lemon wedge to your water…tastes better & makes the water alkaline, easier/better for your cells to absorb/use. 😋 Green tea is good for you. There's a Thai green tea that is orange colored, tastes so good that it doesn't need any sweetener. I can probably find a link on Amazon if you want. I don't think it is in English to find it. :/

    Takes me forever to finish watching videos, so always adding edits. Anyway, thanks for giving us the details. Most ppl who lose weight, even fitness ppl, barely give you details. It's like they don't want you to lose weight, get healthy, too. Weird. Thanks, again. ☺

  5. I'm glad you saw the light on the aspartame. I don't drink diet anything and did not know Power Aid was a "diet" drink. I probably would have been one of the people who said something. LOL

  6. I’ve lost 3 pounds since February 1st on the carnivore diet for 28 days of February. I’m drinking black coffee and water only and eating meats, eggs and cheese.

  7. Eric, let me repeat my tip on water: Why not acquire a taste for fizzy water as well? The carbon dioxyde in that isn't carbohydrates, so it isn't bad for you … *but*: It fills your belly more, makes you feel less hungry, and therefore you can more easily eat less. Plus, it is a whole lot less boring than just plain old water – I can totally understand that it's hard to drink just water, it would be for me, too. I admit, you Americans aren't as crazy about it as we Germans are, but it is definitely worth trying to get used to, because like that, the fizzy texture can replace so many other drink cravings of drinks that do have gas bubbles in them as well. And the best about it, if you get yourself a machine for it (i.e. sodastream, or something like it) , you can even make it yourself, which makes it really cheap!

  8. Good for you keeping it real and honoring your own choices. I have two questions. First, do you have any kind of app that you use for intermittent fasting or for calorie/carb counting? I know "Life Fasting Tracker" is popular right now and I will probably download it and try it myself. Also, when you are doing your weight workouts are you working along with a video? Keep killing it !

  9. Keep up the good work! A person needs to do the program that works for them. I drink Zevia when I want a “ cola” drink. After a while when your taste buds change, a lot of things will taste good that maybe didn’t to you before. 👍🏽

  10. I hope you're not microwaving that frozen food. It kills 99 % of all nutrients. May as well be eating cardboard. Use the oven always. Or dump it in a pot and heat it up that way. Just looking out for you bro.

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