1. You inspired me to do a free trial through Beach Body on Demand and I started 80 Day Obsession today and oh my WORD. Holy hard. I like it though! I am determined to do the full 80 days! I am sure I won’t actually do it in 80 days but hopefully close to it. Thank you! Oh and I mentioned free trial but I’m going to keep it for at least 3 months to give it a good go.

  2. I’m scared 😱 but I think I need to join you all on the 80 Day Obsession challenge 😬 I have BB on demand but really haven’t used it, terrible I know! I ordered some bands on Amazon today! I have the sliders already. I need to print off the paperwork!

  3. I love beach body, but I haven’t done it for 3 years what is a good starter routine? I’ve done 21 day fix back in the day.
    Also carters is the devil! I can do some major damage in carters.

  4. That is my very favorite syrup too. I bought it in a smaller bottle in a 3 pack at Bed Bath and Beyond. I can’t find the bigger bottle. Love your videos. They make me happy. The baby catalogs are so hard. Everything is adorable. Mine are too big now ☺️

  5. I can't bring myself to try that brownie in a mug because I had mad love for the cake in a mug. Plus I've heard bad reviews on the brownie at my meeting. There were several of us that loved the chocolate cake in a mug and the other ladies say thumbs down on the brownie. 😣😭 I had to giggle at your Carter's and ON comments. Girl, I used to get in trouble with that too. They are super rude and they don't care. 🤣

  6. Old Navy has really cute Mommy and me outfits! Also there is a really cute WW YouTuber called Louise Lane who shouted you out in one of her vlogs. She loves your car chats!

  7. Have you tried making the 321 Cake (1 box of Angel Food Cake mix and any other flavor of Cake mix ex: Chocolate, Spice, Carrot, etc Mix both mixes together in a Large zip lock. Each cake is 3 Tbsp of Cake mix, 2 Tbsp Water and 1 minute in the Micro. I believe when calculated it comes to 3 SPs.

    I can't afford the membership, so I'll pass on the next exercise series.

  8. I love the speeded up squeals! They are the best! Yes, my first daughter used to have sooooo much clothes. Literally every time we had an event, she got a new outfit. It was back in the Mervyns days… I miss that dang store so much!

  9. I’ve been watching your channel for a while now and find your videos so relaxing (is that weird?!) lol! I was thinking of placing an order for revel nails bc your nails always look so pretty. Which color would you recommend that has some faint glitter but is also light in color?? I can’t have any noticeable colors for work but would still love to have some! Thanks!

  10. Good video! Such cute Carter clothes! I remember my daughter having a lot of Carter things when she was a baby and older. They are very well made. The turkey burger and fries looked yummy!! Btw, where did you get your, I think it’s beige purse?? Take care

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