1. Hey thank you for another great video. I ordered the OTK boots you mentioned in one of your videos. How quickly did you receive them? I’m getting a little nervous I’ve only received a confirmation email and it’s been over a week?

  2. I’ve tried all of your snack / meal suggestions and I love them all! Loved making your chili with the cinnamon. I live in Georgia and had never heard of cinnamon in chili but my family loved it. 🥰

  3. Baked salmon with broccoli and baked sweet potato fries on the side is one of my favorite meals. Shamefully, it doesn't just stop there, because I have to have some rice thrown in the mix as well🤦🏾‍♀️. What can I say…I'm a work in progress. Lol🤣!! Anyways, I look forward to seeing what else you may add to your meal rotation in the future. I'm definitely going to be trying the boiled egg slices on toast. Looks delicious…thanks for sharing!!

  4. Sooo basically you’re reiterating that I have no excuse to not be get fine?! 🤣 thank you for the motivation, per usual. 😩😂💪🏽 the definition in your arms is making me get my life together!

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