1. Hi guys, You love eating..? So do I!

    I have lost 20kg in 3 months. I am a 26 years old software Engineer in NY I was 100 kg in this early age. but and now I am 80 kg.

    I particularly love sweets, that's my biggest weakness. Anything sweet would drive me crazy as I felt like I could never have “just 1” of something sweet. I still cant!

    But I love this question for a couple of different reasons and I have to say this is one of the first questions I hear from a new or prospective client I have.

    First things first is to establish some sort of long term goal. I always tell me clients, its one thing to want something and have an idea in mind, but it is a completely different thing to write down and ESTABLISH a goal and a mindset that you will accomplish this goal, say by the end of the year. This could be to lose 20lbs before new years, it could be to lose 5 inches off your waist by next summer, etc. whatever it is, this is up to you to decide but this will help you get in the right mindset of things and give you a reason to stick with it.

    Now for the actual process of losing weight, it normally comes down to 2 things..

    1. Consuming less calories than you burn.

    2. Realizing the difference between being hungry and bored.

    There are so many different routes you could take both diet and exercise wise to actually lose weight but the bottom line it comes down to is finding what works for you and stick to it. There is NOTHING wrong with eating junk food every once in a while. Its all about moderation. But now some actual tips you can implement into your everyday life to help you with it.

    1. Drink more water. Plain and simple. Our bodies are made up of over 70–80% water so if you are dehydrated you will think you are hungrier than you really are. Try drinking a glass of water before every meal and try eating slower.

    2. Try getting into a weight lifting regimen. A lot of people especially women are typically scared of lifting weight because they dont wanna get “Bulky” but its impossible for women to get bulky from lifting unless they are taking steroids. The biological make up of a women and her hormones make it almost impossible as testosterone levels are not nearly as high as mans are. Lifting weights has been proven time and time again to not just help maintain a certain health status or to build muscle, but has shown to have positive impacts on mood and lifting weights are a much more effective way to make a positive change body composition wise compared to cardio.

    3. MEAL PREP. I swear this is the most under rated way to keep on track with a healthy diet (besides keeping a food journal/log) It is so easy and so under rated in the sense of how this helps people. I noticed the biggest difference in being able to keep off the sweets and cravings when I had a healthy pre made lunch and dinner every day Monday – Friday. Take about 1 – 2 hrs on my Sunday afternoons, make a bunch of chicken, beans, rice, and veggies and bam! I got lunch and or dinner for every day during the next 2 weeks and its a nice homemade meal, I know exactly what I'm eating and putting into my body.

    4. Lastly keeping a food log is extremely helpful, I personally do not do this anymore since I am not eating out as much as I used to and since I have started meal prepping over the last year or so, the only times my meals change are on the weekends which leads into my closing point.

    Finally, do not deprive yourself. At least once a week I am putting a meal or two aside to have maybe some extra greasy pizza or a few small pieces of cake after a good meal, food is food. There is no evil food and ANY type of food/ or substance can be bad for you the key is moderation. Treat yourself every now and than but keep that goal in mind.

    Hope this helps!

    Email me maspardinasgor@gmail.com and i will personally tell you the SECRET how i get out from WEIGHT ROLLERCOASTER. Have a good day, XoXo

  2. Girl, I have to add ranch to everything! Use the Bolthouse Farms Classic ranch yogurt dressing – it tastes like restaurant style ranch and it's soooo much healthier for you! I could drink it haha! You get it in the refrigerated produce section at Walmart by the prepackaged lettuce/salads! sooooo good!

  3. I enjoy these videos so much I actually do some of your recipes and I will start tagging I promise! but alI I got to say is the bomb keep these recipes coming you’re doing amazing!

  4. Honestly I appreciate that your diet is not too restrictive.
    But why are you ( and many other youtubers ) trying to CONSTANTLY lose weight ?That's just not a way to live , if we all just aspire to lose weight when it comes to our bodies , the world would be just a superficial sad place.
    " Bettering ourselves " means appreciating fitness and our bodies at whatever state they are , we should be eating and working out to feel good , happy and ALIVE.
    I'm sorry but putting " TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT" in every other video title or so is so triggering to me!I love your content and I've been watching your videos for awhile but how long have you really been making these kind of videos?it feels like a cycle that will never end , everyone should try and appreciate their bodies for what they are.

  5. I have been eating such a similar dinner to yours for so long! it was like my go-to in college except I would get spicy bean burgers and usually, I would be lazy and have no bun, haha, but I did the same exact thing last week with the baby potatoes, seasoning and put them in the air fryer and it comes out so good! Sometimes if I think I'm having a carb overload I will just use lettuce as a bun instead too 🙂

  6. If you don’t like protein shakes you try protein powders that are plant based. They are ahhhmazing! My favorite is chocolate by Vega and I really think you’re going to enjoy it too!

  7. Not that I necessarily think sugar-free substitutions are always better, but I use the Coffee Mate sugar-free creamers! They come in a million different flavors and don’t taste any different then the normal ones! 🙂 The calories/fats/sugar is like nonexistent and it’s really helpful in the long run for your weight loss journey bc same!!

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