1. LiezlJ I also found a good milk alternative today called Good Karma Flaxmilk which has 8grams protein vs other plant milks at 2-4grams. Trying your bread mestamacher it's very good. Thanks for all your inspiration!

  2. Heyyy just wanted to let you know that ive tried the muffins they are AMAZING!! i loved them
    Theyre so gooood
    -I didnt use any sweetner
    -Olive oil instead of coconut
    -tigernut milk instead of almond

  3. On the muffin recipe it worked in a 9 by 5 inch loaf pan too but you have to bake it 50 minutes to an hour. I didn't have a muffin tin but still wanted this and it still turned out amaaaaaaazing.

  4. I would really like to purchase your meal plans. I have been following you for quite awhile now and have my two beautiful daughters interested as well. Unfortunately I can't order as I live in Canada and it only says State in the purchase box. Is there any other way to receive Your meal plans?

  5. Just food prepped the chocolate muffins and thought they would be bearable at best, but they were so good!! Even my boys loved them! Thanks for all the recipes and ideas you give! So enjoy your channel.

  6. Muffins!!
    2.5 bananas (normal sized)
    in a blender blend 2 cups dry rolled oats and add
    1/2 cup protein powder
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1 tsp baking powder
    1/2 tsp baking soda
    1/8 tsp salt
    2 whisked eggs, add to bowl
    2 tbs melted coconut oil
    1/2 – 1 cup Unsweetened almond milk
    2 tsp trivia/2-3 tbs of other sweetener
    1/3 cup cocoa powder
    Frozen blueberries
    Grease muffin tray with coconut oil
    400 degrees F
    20 min

    I hope this helped!

  7. I’m so glad I have found you girl! I absolutely changed my view on calories and didn’t realize that I was eating much more than I needed. I follow your system and I love it. It’s not easy, but so possible and it’s working! Love you girl! Thank you for changing me and my diet! It works!!

  8. How many calories do the muffins have?

    Edit: calculated it myself. Used 3 tbsp maple syrup for sweetness and different protein powder. The batter was good for 15 muffins so one muffins ends up to have 68 calories. If someone is interested – I thought it be nice to share. I also love the muffins ☺️

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