1. I personally first thing in the morning have 12 oz of water with half lime, 1 tsp of pink Himalayan salt, 2 Tbsp of organic ACV, 1/2 tsp of creme of tartar (potassium) and lastly 1 tsp of Tumeric. Stir all together. Drink up.

  2. I mix it with 1 cup of water in the blender with 2 green apple every morning and night n in 2 wks I loss 14 kg already..plus I only eat 1 meal a day and my dinner n breakfast is a shake and it's work for me ..Nd I do exercise everyday

  3. Thanks for the ingormation. Another good video.
    I love apple cidar vinegar with lime and cinnamon with water. OMG! I have a cold glass with my meal. It's not bad

  4. Does taking ACV burn your Oesophagus and your gut after long time use as in taking it three times a day or is it safe to consume for life or should you have a break ?

  5. I was told to just mix the apple cider vinegar in water and drink it in the morning don't add anything else are you wouldn't get the real benefit is that correct?

  6. Why don't primary care doctors advise people who are prediabetic to try using apple cider vinegar. My doctor never has. I'm doing in on my own only from my own research.

  7. How come you are the only doctor that says it works I read all over Google theres no proof it helps you lose weight so I'm very confused about this whole acv thing

  8. I do acv with some fresh lemon, turmeric and cayenne pepper in a big glass of water. I also train and consume a fair bit of food. I have found this aids me in not eating extra food over the max while training hard because after hard training i could roast a whole buffalo no worries. Since doing this i have stopped dreaming of consuming whole game animals and the results are great. Thanks doc!

  9. 2 tablespoons acv 2 tablespoons lemon juice tablespoon honey 12 teaspoon crushed ginger 12teaspoon cinnamon 12cup hot water ,swirl around to disperse honey add 2 cups cold water . take when feeling blaah,instant pickup

  10. If I take anything with magnesium in it, I’m out like a light, or groggy all day. I’m hearing it gives you energy…it doesn’t work that way for me. Can anyone tell me which form doesn’t make you want to sleep all day and night?

  11. Thank you for sharing your life-changing information. I watch ALOT of videos from experts in the field, but your videos gives the practical advise that seems to be missing from other videos and this leads to results.

  12. I liked Bragg when he was alive. I don't appreciate the bullshit about most people using Braggs' ACv, though. Costco sells an organic, non pasteurized, etc., etc., ACV exactly like the Bragg brand and many other brands. The only difference is price.

  13. First of all, I am very thankful to you for sharing your knowledge with us on Youtube. I have greatly benefited from every one of them.
    I have been drinking ACV regularly, everyday, for about 5 months now. I also observe IF for around 19 – 20 hours everyday. I eat 2 meals in the remainder part of the day. As I am a vegetarian, and Indian, I eat a lot of veggis es and millet based dishes. So far, I have lost 12 kgs and am in normal BMI range now.I am also T2 diabetic and hypertensive. I hope my blood test report will show improvements when I go for test next time.
    Some ways I make my ACV drink are as below:
    1. Glass of water + ACV + Lemon/Lime juice (whatever is in season here) + pink salt + 1/2 tsp Jaljeera Masala (available in Indian stores)
    2. Glass of water + ACV + Lemon/Lime juice (whatever is iun season here) + pink salt + 1/2 tsp Pudina (Mint) Chutney Masala (available in Indian stores)
    3. Glass of water + ACV + Lemon/Lime juice (whatever is in season here) + pink salt + some crushed ginger or dry ginger powder

    It tastes great and they have added health benefits. As I am diabetic, I try to stay away from sweeteners as much as possible.

  14. I have 2 tablespoons of ACV, 1/2 of lemon, a splash of cranberry juice and ginger. I drink it with a long straw and rinse my mouth after every sip. Yummy! lost 15 pounds doing IF in three weeks.

  15. ACV never worked for me W weight loss . I have been drinking this over 2 years w h20& turmeric powder ( Bragg )
    I still drink it though bc it helps balance ph , hair / skin & improve insulin sensitivity 🤘🏽🏋🏽‍♀️ I will drink every other day after I break my IF , since I use turmeric in it . Make sure to use straws !!

  16. I drink it every morning with a dash or two of cayenne pepper and about 8 ounces of water. I feel it helps with bloating and I've lost weight with no huge change to my diet. I work out 4-5 days a week with heavy weight training and squats. I've noticed a change in my body composition and areas that I felt was holding onto fat have seemed to be losing it slowly but surely.

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