1. just completed day 3 of this great workout. I'm sore still from yesterday but i'm managing to break thru it to get this done. I am reasonably fit thru a bit of running and a body combat class I attend but this workout uses muscles I dont use so all is good. No pain, no gain so they say. thankyou. .Love this.

  2. third repeat kind of got me – I am really weak in the stomach muscles, also got quite a bit of belly fat, and on the third repeat, after 25 seconds with the crunchies, I had to resort to sit ups

  3. This was a really great workout! But I think it's more important to make sure we have to right form when doing the exercises rather than how many can we do. I do understand that this is high intensity, but it would work better for us with the right form- I think you should clarify that to the viewers!
    Just a suggestion!

  4. Wanna Take a stab at a quiz most people fail at?


    Ok cool..


    Did you know that there is 1 green vegetable keeping you from the body of your dreams?

    Now here's where it's get tricky…

    Studies now reveal that people who don't stop eating these 1 vegetable can suffer from a slow metabolism, STORE toxic belly fat, and even age rapidly – all at the same exact time.

    The harsh truth is this…

    If you ever want to burn off stubborn belly fat for good, and reveal the lean, toned body of your dreams…

    …you must AVOID this 1 vegetable!

    But which of these green vegetables do you think is the culprit? (Choose your answer below)

    ===>A. Click here if you think it is spinach
    ===>B. Click here if you think it is broccoli
    ===>C. Click here if you think it is kale

    Look.. these are the "veggies" that NO ONE else is talking about…

    …but they may be the #1 thing you need to finally FIX your metabolism and jump into a new fitted pair of jeans.

    So if you're the type of person who wants to take massive action and STOP eating the wrong vegetables and lose your belly in as little as 14 days…then click here to learn more.

    => http://cvrt2.com/s/fatdiminisher/25087/YT

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