1. Been looking through YouTube for loads of ideas and some of the videos I've seen on your channel are awesome. shown them to my other half who's new to the gym saying she want to try these. keep these great videos up will keep watching and following thank you

  2. Hanna, it was killer… at the beginning, after the 1st set I couldn't believe I'm gonna get sooo damn burnt, but now, after the 3rd set, I'm laying on the floor trying to breathe… 😀

  3. You. Are. Out. Of. Your. Mind.
    Im so gonna hit this workout tomorrow and Im already crying for sore muscles!!!
    You are the bestttt tho I was searching for a HIIT like this for ages so this amaaaazing 💜💜
    Also love this color on you💜💗❤️

  4. Love this circuit exercise! It's easy to follow, burns calories and it's done in 45min or so. I would like to see more of these strength training exercises!

  5. Hanna as promised i tried your workout, filmed it and post it on my channel where i did real time 3 rounds in total with no rest between circuits. I almost died but i pushed through. I guess my weights were not as heavy as yours but it was still super intense for me. If you wanna see me how i did, here is the link to the video 😀
    https://youtu.be/nD4PSml9XeQ 😀

  6. I’m going to start doing this work out for one month straight! 5 days out of the week..
    5/22/2019 first day done!
    5/23/2019 the key is to breath, done!
    5/24/2019 so tired but did it!
    5/25/2019 did it 💪🏼

  7. Absolutely love the HIIT workouts touvstarted adding! I have been following you with the weight lifting, but I have to lose weight at thins point in my career. These hiits are working great! Please do more!

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