1. Hey you need to watch the video by N is for Nurse her video called November 2019 change She! WW Gossip it’s about changes to the plans.some of your suggestions sound like they are happening.

  2. I think they should allow options if u want to do freestyle u shud have the option. if u like smart points you should have the option to choose sp’s. that’s why I left the program I wasn’t able to choose which plan I wanted to do. I’ve been on Ww since 2007 back and forth of course. But if they brought back sp’s and if the updates are decent to the newest plan I’d go back. I’m just like you i don’t like too much change lol.

  3. Hi there. I've been through three program changes since becoming a WW member. Of the three programs I like freestyle the least. Although you may not be a merchant for change you are not really change averse. Something sparked you to began counting calories or macros – because you either didn't like how you felt or what you saw in the mirror. Hence change. It is the way of the world. On a more positive note you look fabulous. As for me I reached my goal weight while using WW Freestyle and I still don't like it.

  4. I’ve done the old systems and just started back with free style. I love the new app and freestyle but I know everything has calories. You can overeat on good foods as well. I. Like your theory about 9p till you get to a certain portion. I believe the. App can do some of that now with some of the foods on the list when you plug in a serving size

  5. I’ve done the old plan with the books back in college with my mom but Freestyle is so much easier! I don’t like change either, I wish that when they do change it they would still let you do Freestyle maybe for a different price or something.

  6. I need to drink more water too!! I love my energy drinks too much! lol I personally hope they don't change anything on WW! But if they were to change something, I agree with what you said! As someone who has struggled with weight loss, I understand how some members may not be used to "eating until they're satisfied", which was, as you mentioned, the initial goal of the 0 point foods. I haven't used any other WW program so all I know is freestyle!

  7. I love Freestyle! I have been a WW member off and on since 1992 when I was in high school. Freestyle is by far my favorite and easiest to follow. I don’t have a problem of eating too many zero point foods. I have been on program for over a year now. Most other times, I never made it past 5 months. I hope they don’t change the program too much.

  8. I absolutely love Freestyle. I've been on several of the past Weight Watcher programs and feel as if they've outdone themselves with Freestyle. It's the best plan yet, in my opinion. It does however, seem as though some are having trouble limiting the zero point foods to 1 to 2 servings per meal. My hope is that the change we see is that zero point foods start counting after the 1-2 serving. I am not ready to see Freestyle go away completely.

  9. I started Weightwatchers in the 1980s when we counted servings of proteins, breads, etc. (based on a list of allowed foods). A good thing I don’t mind change because I’ve been through them all. I don’t mind freestyle but I balked in the beginning. I self limit the zero point foods. I also double count because I’m concerned about sugar (those fruits really rack up the grams of sugar!) ,carbs and protein.

  10. Love this video! I did the Points Plus program; had a little success but seemed to yo-yo on that plan until I quit. It was the introduction of Freestyle that brought me back. On Freestyle I not only reached goal (something I thought was impossible), but am now Lifetime under goal. And, I'm enjoying my new lifestyle… down 115 lbs. I'd hate to see Freestyle go away completely and hope whatever changes come we can still incorporate the Freestyle mentality.

  11. I'm a freestyle person and will continue to be! I had tried WW in about 2003 and couldn't get my head in the game- mentally I wasn't ready. I don't think it matters what plan you are following as long as you actually want changes. With that said I'd be hard pressed to put a point on a fruit or veg- in life it's struggle enough to ensure you're eating them and I hate the idea of someone saying well let me skip my fruit and veg so I have 5 points to have a piece of garlic bread with my dinner rather than a green salad and other servings through out the day.

    I agree with "over tracking" at that point it's too much of a job and diet to me- I need this to be life- lifestyle, not a part time job as I have enough of those! 🙂

  12. I follow points plus. On that program bananas are 0 points. I have always followed Points Plus. Have been doing it since 2013. I do not like change so I stuck with it. In my mind, if it's not broke then don't fix it! I love it so much. Weight Watchers changed my life. Down 130 pounds!

  13. I love freestyle. I have done 4 other weight watcher programs in the past and freestyle is by far the best. I have most successful with it. My son and husband are also doing freestyle and they are doing great too.

  14. I was on freestyle for a while and got frustrated because I was eating all my points and only eating 500 calories a day so I went to iTrackBites so I could see my calories also, now I am on calorie counting because it so much easier to count calorie than anything

  15. I absolutely LOVE Freestyle, but I agree with you 100% about limits on zero point foods-I have been saying that since the beginning! People are on WW because they have food issues-giving them what they feel is unlimited foods is setting them up for failure. I understood that it was not an all you can stuff in your face free for all, but some people don’t. One guy at my workshop was eating 12 eggs a day!

  16. I have lost weight with WW on multiple plans and lost weight. Point plus, smart points and freestyle. I think it is mentality. My favorite plan was Smartpoints but I think they should allow based on a quiz what plan works best for each individual and then be able to pick your plan in the app. I have seen multiple posts on this and did go to the manuscript of the last WW earnings call. Mostly is it financial data which I find interesting being an accountant but little information on what might be coming Q4 of WW. A lot of info on IG account lionstigers_bears_ohmy check it out. Thanks for the video

  17. I have done all the WW programs. I have a love/hate relationship with freestyle. I love the freedom of not having to track every little thing. The problem I have with it is that I find it very restrictive. I feel like I’m being forced to eat a certain way, but I know this is probably the best way for me to eat, so it’s a constant battle. I also don’t eat a lot of the zero point foods because of allergies and dislike, so I go through points very quickly and often end up eating only 800-900 calories a day. So I go to meetings and sometimes I follow freestyle and then other times I follow points plus 😂😂

  18. I love freestyle! but I do agree with you that after a certain amount points should be counted because I hear a lot of people don’t like freestyle because they over eat zero Point foods so at least this way they know when to stop eating because points would be counted.

  19. I think you’re onto something with your ideas on what the potential changes to freestyle could be. I don’t see them opening it up to old programs like iTrackBites does because that would be admitting that freestyle failed for some people and I don’t see them doing that. I think they’re going to improve upon the zero point food list like you said, to give boundaries for those who need them and give freedom to those that don’t. Probably something very similar to what you described. So the people that love freestyle have the option of not tracking zero point foods and the people who are struggling have more structure. I could also see them adding a few healthy fats to the zero point list with a limit on how much you get in a day😊

  20. That’s the only thing I don’t like about WW is they are always changing something once you get used to a plan, but that’s how they make money. I’ve done points plus in the past when they only had books, and they changed to another plan and that means you have to have all new stuff so more money. Now with the app, it’s easier but monthly charge is to high for this stay at home momma! I found iTrackBites and you can choose the older plans to follow or freestyle, which is what I’m doing now. I’m like you and I think it makes it easier with the zero points but I know not to eat 7 bananas a day lol. The price is a one time charge of $35 for the year instead of monthly and way cheaper. You can also not only track “points” but it also shows calories as well. I love it and much cheaper. The YouTube community like you helps me with advice and recipes so it’s a win win!! Maybe look into that if they do change it to much, I know several ww on YouTube that have went to older plans or freestyle have switched to iTrackBites just bc of saving money. Hope that helps!! A lot of losing weight is a mind thing which sometimes even I struggle with fruit so I only allow myself 2 servings a day even if it is “free”and I see why people struggle with freestyle bc they think zero point cheesecake I can eat the whole thing, so they are not losing bc zero points still have calories and it’s a mind thing on how much to eat. I love the zero point cheesecake but stick to one serving a day if I do make it, but believe me my mind wants to say but it’s 0!! Some people need the discipline, and that’s what I think ww is going to try to do if they change freestyle. Wow I went on and on haha sorry!! Thanks for videos!

  21. I have done a few different programs and love freestyle the best. I like the app the support and the flexibility.
    I have reached goal and lifetime and have been able to maintain it on freestyle. Wasn't able to on other programs.

  22. I have heard this rumor, too. I wonder if it has to do with people using the zero point foods in ways they didn’t intend (like making cheesecakes out of the Greek yogurt). I wish they would make it flexible so people could choose from a few of their current or past programs. Everybody needs something different.

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