1. I recently had a cardiac ablation, and it has been hard to find stillness in everyday life due to the anxiety that I face in this aftermath. A lot of people experience anxiety after cardiac procedures/operations, but it is nice to know that I can still find peace of mind on the yoga mat.

  2. I never thought of myself as someone with social anxiety. I have always been extroverted and a social butterfly! But after 7 years in an abusive relationship my confidence has been torn down. Now I always find myself second guessing myself… worrying my friends don't like me anymore…. years of being torn down has weakened my confidence in social situations. I feel like this yoga was calling out to me today. Thank you Adriene, for showing me sides of myself I didn't know existed. Now I can address it and move forward❤

  3. This is proof of the broken healthcare system in America: using yoga to help with depression or Social Anxiety. Most people who suffer from those disorders are biologically hard wired that way. Bending and twisting your sinews won't fix the problem in their hippocampus.

  4. I will be going to India for four months and boy I am both excited and anxious. This was a very good practice to calm my nervers. #grategul for having you as a teacher for the third year Adriene. Love ya! Namaste 💕

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