1. that’s awesome. She said some things that rang true for me. years ago, I was exercising plenty, but I love to eat! I was not good at portion control. personally, I had to start intermittent fasting. I’ve lost ten lbs in the first few weeks, but have hit a plateau. What I am doing now is going more paleo, modified paleo. I also need to have more discipline in staying the course on exercising, which I love to do, but work often gets in the way. I came across a fitness /diet routine that is one of the most popular in the country, at the moment tinyurl.com/y5qfyx37

    , looks pretty good. Really it’s not rocket science, although we in the west make it hard. Eat whole foods in moderation, get enough rest, reduce stress, and exercise, not insanely, but regularly. Aerobics and some form of weight-bearing exercise seem to be the best combination.

  2. CardioBurn Yoga class is what I need,PsychTruth has always been my go-to-place whenever i want to do yoga, do stretching and just have a relaxing fun day! Make this BLUE if you think they provide quality and easy to follow routine, much love mwaa mwaa

  3. Losing weight with Yoga😲. This is amazing. Thanks for these exercises. I've been trying to incorporate physical exercise in my daily routine but never seemed to find the time for it. Now this will be my morning routine😎. I also want to start some sort of diet to speed up things but that's not easy. There is an article about some "miracle" tea that supposedly helps a lot. I'm going to try it out as I don't have anything to lose😅. Has anyone tried this before? https://weightlosstips793209466.wordpress.com/

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