1. Hi! I am as much a beginner as beginner gets! This was very challenging from me but the encouragement Adriene gives REALLY helps me to finish the set. I Love every single one of her videos.

  2. wow! today I realized I need ease into it since I havent been on the mat in a few days! its warming up to a decent temp this week to where I was actually able to walk my dog without freezing, lol. So today I wanted to get back on the mat and this is what my recommendations popped up with. I did okay with the abs, but I can tell my arms need work! I will save this video again and redo it sometime soon to see if I gained some more strength and tone in my arms. namaste

  3. Thank you adriene you are the best best best ever, thank you is not enough word for you, you changed my life with these series of yoga videos love you so much 💓

  4. Adrienne rocks my socks. She has a video for every day and for every mood. I loved this video and while I was waiting for the little commercial before the video I gave crow pose a try just for fun (because it has been my goal but I have not tried in months) and I DID IT! Thanks to my daily Yoga with Adrienne practice I am gaining strength, calmness, body awareness, confidence, and a much needed positive shift. Thank you. Tomorrow's video will be the "Crow Practice" I've been eyeing! <3

  5. This was soooo difficult I could barely get through it. My arms are extremely weak in comparison to the rest of my body which is OK-ish… This has highlighted how desperately I need to work on my arm strength. Hopefully if I repeat this a few times it will help me in the right direction although it's not fun getting there!

  6. This was one of the hardest videos I have done of yours. I couldn’t get through all of the exercises, my breathing was so off, and my abs are still on 🔥 day two 😂 Will be doing this one more often.

  7. These videos have been great warmups for my calisthenics work outs, even if they make me sweat like mad and want to die hehe! I truly believe I'm seeing progress in the two months I've been returning and I'm so grateful to have found your videos, thank you Adrien. You're an absolute gem 🙂

  8. hi there, would anyone be able to give me a rough estimate of the calories burnt doing this workout? my therapist has suggested yoga and workouts as a tool to help my journey in recovery from bulimia

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