1. This makes me realize, I need to do this for me and not other people, even not my nutrition coach. He is a body builder and I am not. I just want my body to be able to keep up with my 3 and 6 year old nephews and to be there not only mentally but physically for them.

  2. These are some really great tips, some I never even thought of. I'll definitely be implementing some of these to make sure I keep up with my new year's goals. Micro-workouts are gonna be huge for me since I'm am constantly busy with work, I'm gonna start doing them during my breaks instead of just sitting at my desk. And my best friend and I are going to hold each other accountable and make sure we don't slack, it's gonna be great having that support and knowing someone is going through the same things I am. Thank you so much for your help Dr. Balduzzi.

  3. With your help, I know that I will start 2020 right. I'm definitely going to focus on these 10 things. And I'm definite going to continue watching your helpful videos.

  4. This video has a super easy and clear structure to it, allows me to quickly view all the points. Furthermore, it's really detailed and that's so helpful.

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