1. This is so great. Did this spur of the moment before bed last night. Used 5 pound weights and 2 pound weights for a couple of exercises. So sore this morning but feels great. Love the chest moves.

  2. Hi Jessica, I just did this workout, it's great, I've been doing your videos for some time now, and I just love them. If you could give me a little advice I'd be very appreciative. I have a bridesmaid dress to get into in 24 days, but I'm struggling to get it fastened comfortably around my back/chest area. Do you have any advice on what videos will help me lose the weight from those areas please? Should I stick with these arm ones? Many thanks, Laura x

  3. I really like this one as the moves are not difficult yet still can be really challenging depending on your weight choices. Be forewarned though- the cool down is almost non-existent, so unless you're moving on to another workout, be prepared to spend a few minutes really stretching those muscles out properly after putting them through the wringer.

  4. love your workouts.. just found them recently and I'm going to start doing them routinely. Menopause is hitting me hard and I feel so out of shape.. I want to get my energy back and boost my metabolism!

  5. I'm on vacation and I took time out to exercise. Also my phone has a step counter so I'm also tracking my steps and today I hit my goal of 9000 steps. Talk soon bye

  6. Love this workout. i added it to the end. I know I need more upper body work so I will be looking for more of the upper body routines. Thanks Jessica for all you do.

  7. This is an awesome workout for somebody trying to move to heavier weights. It's short enough to get through the first time. I will be able to go through this circuit multiple times as I become more used to the heavier weights. This video is very encouraging for those looking for a challenge. Thank you, so much.

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