1. Omg great great workout! 😅 I felt this all over! 🔥Tomorrow I know everything will feel sore but a good sore 👍🏼 thank you Pahla it was a great start to my Wednesday 😃

  2. Perfect way to start a Monday! Anyone who thinks they won’t FEEL this work is wrong! Though seated front leg raises were something else! Also, loved the chair. Reminded me of my ballet classes WAY back in the day! SFG!

  3. Hi… Found your channel while searching for home running workout.. need to ask question? Can I do jogging on mini trampoline then on floor? Do you think it will more helpful?

  4. What a fun workout. I like the slow/fast format. Looks gentle but if you're doing them correctly, you can feel the muscles hard at work. I did this workout along with one of your weights only workout and jogging workout. I felt really good afterward (sweaty too!) Thank you Miss Pahla for another fun yet challenging workout!

  5. Hey there Paula. Is there a reason the last 2 exercises are done seated? I did them standing cause I didn't have a hard chair handy in my living room and didn't feel like lugging one in.

  6. Watching this, it may say beginner, but I can tell we will feel these exercises the next day if done properly! You're sneaky that way Pahla, a beginner can do these but woah !!!

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